and now for news from space


Jan 27, 2002
Huge black hole tears apart star

The X-ray outburst is one of the most extreme ever detected and was caused by gas from the destroyed star being heated to millions of degrees.

The black hole is at the centre of a galaxy known as RX J1242-11 and is estimated to have a mass about 100 million times that of the sun. RX J1242-11 is an estimated 700 million light years away from Earth.

"Every galaxy contains a black hole, and there are millions or billions of galaxies.

I think this is so surreal!! here we are at a tiny circular rock somewhere in infinity... and unexplainable weird things are happening in some faraway place aeons away

Just 50 Lightyears from us a rather nice carbonic structure has been found like 1 1/2 weeks ago. Seemed to be a rock but wierdly enough it didnt just block observation to a symbiotic doublestar- it more totally messed up evaluations and gave values horribly distorted towards the carbon end of the spectrum.

Long story short end- after further examination it turned out to be a diamond 4 thousand kilometers in diameter. Immense mass and density on this guy and fooling around calculations estimated 50-60 million billion billion carat :loco: .

In fact a fully crystalized white dwarf- a star so dense one spoon of its matter would have weight about a ton once.
On crystalisation bodies lose about 99.8 % of their energy though so hes a nice leightweight at the moment and a very nice encounter by chance :Spin: