And now for something completely different...a cute picture thread

These are my other friends who live under my roof:



cute pets, Lioness :)
and now tell me that you took the pic with your arm/hand over the CD's by accident, not to make the poor ones drool.... :D
Tee said:
cute pets, Lioness :)
and now tell me that you took the pic with your arm/hand over the CD's by accident, not to make the poor ones drool.... :D

Actually, I swear it was an accident... The Firebelly newt's tank is in my
computer/cds room, and when my dad asked me to take a pic of him, (which was the original purpose of this pic) I just took him out of the tank, turned around to the light and took it...

but yeah, they are cute :dopey:
Dead_Lioness said:
Actually, Jonny Depp is MY FAVORITE actor (and the fact that he looks so godamn lovely adds a lot to it hehehe)
but this picture is a little... *coughs*gay*coughs*


ur joking aren`t u?! *faints*

:err: :err: :err:


do u like this one more?!
Stealer of Dreams said:
Haha, I hate it how most guys are too insecure to admit whether or not another guy is attractive.

What if I were to say that my ultimate fantasy would involve being in one of Nevermore's ultimate orgyfests after the dwarf-tossing tournaments? :hotjump: