and now for something diffrent........

Evil-shiva said:
oh yea Rock toons :eek:
I should submit my SA and Borknagar artwork there....
but then again, It's ROCKtoons ^_- these are metal bands ((omeg shock!))

metal is also allowed there... just look for already tooned bands ;)
the only limitation is it's gotta be a band portrait, not art inspired by it...
I know from good sources that there's gonna be a Borknagar toon before spring ;)
Hmmm, maybe the moderator of this forum didn't get my joke. See, this thread is called 'and now for something different', therefore the Monty Python reference, 'and now for something completely different'. Or maybe he just doesn't like Monty Python, but likes silly little drawings instead. Anyways, I found it kinda weird that my thread was deleted, but this one was left.
I remeber that thread. Monty Python can be over powering at times, anyway, Evil Shiva's post is a piss take of Dimmu Borgir, wheras Monty Python is far from metal, although funny as hell.