Help me out...Name some shinning examples of.....(Guitar Tone Related)


Super Rad Member
Dec 13, 2005
So, like many I am in search for a new head. It is hard to compare and contrast the diffrences between diffrent amps so I ask of you this. Can you give me classic examples of albums that utlized a few diffrent heads.

Dual Recto

For example,

"Man, If I have ever heard a 5150 tone then (put album name hear) has it".
5150: in flames - clayman, as well as carcass-heartwork come to mind. for the thrashier, more midrangey side of things, check out either kreator - enemy of god, or kreator - live creation, iirc mille used a 5150 for that one (he's on the left btw). besides, that's exactly how my 5150 sounds ;)

as for the dual recto, pretty much anything nu metal :lol: seriously, my fave dual recto tone is nevermore - dead heart in a dead world

i don't know any album that's 100% krank....nevermore - this godless endeavor is a mix of krank and recto, so is arch enemy - doomsday machine.
Thanks for the info...

Just for refrence I am looking for a more tight accurate sound. The music I play is a little bit more tech then trash. You mention Nu-Metal. What do you consider nu-metal. When I think Nu-Metal I think Linkin Park type stuff. A million tracks to form a wall of Guitar.
yep, i'm not a big fan of that "wall of sound" kinda tone, either, but the dual recto got famous mainly due to the nu metal guys using em.
after all, that's why i also mentioned DHIADW as a showcase for the thrashier, tighter side of the dual recto. also, check out recent cannibal corpse to get an idea of what a dual recto (well, technically it's a triple :D ) sounds like in a death metal context.

mh....what's your tuning? i kinda found that ENGL amps are quite good for the low tuned, gain heavy stop/go "meshuggah" kinda sound (although imho that's pretty much the only thing they do well :lol:).

let's do it the other way round, why dontcha name a few records with your fave guitar sounds, and we try to name a few amps that do these sounds.

in general, for a tight accurate sound, a 5150 is your best bet if you're on a budget. if you got some more cash, you might also want to check out the mesa mark series, mark III and IV come to mind (check out nevermore - politics of ecstacy for a killer example of mark IV tone, or early dream theater). in case money ain't no issue, DEFINITELY check out the framus cobra, too. very low mid voiced amp, and REALLY clear. kinda like a tighter, clearer recto with some marshall thrown in, too.
and of course, you could always go the modded or boosted marshall route, exodus - tempo of the damned comes to mind.
Well I am in standard E. Some times I will drop a 1/2 step. I have been playing out of a JCM 2000 DSL 100 for the past 7 years. Needless to say I am kind of sick of it. I have been digging the As I lay Dying tone as of recent. I just did a search and it looks like Andy re-amped it with a Krank. Hmm, Lamb of Gods tone on AOTW is great but I know it was a mix of a Mark, Recto, and I think Marshall. There album before that was all Mark and to be honest it lacked a lot. FYI budget is not really an issue.
dude, check out my first post in this thread. i already said that TGE was all krank and dual recto. not even trace amounts of 5150 in there :lol:

chadsexe, are you the only guitar player in your band? if not, what's the other guy's setup?
so far i'd say check out the 5150 (kinda in the vein of marshall, but can also *approximate* recto tones if dialed in right, intense amounts of gain, but a crappy clean channel - although the clean channel with the crunch mode engaged sounds GREAT for metal rhythm) and the framus cobra. you might also wanna take a look at the bogner uberschall, although that one's friggin expensive ;) it's kinda like a 5150 on steroids, though.....very mean amp.
ah yeah, and since you're only tuned to E, i recommend you steer clear of ENGL amps. however, you might wanna check em out, maybe you like them better than i do....just make sure you can crank the volume when doing so!
There is another guitar player. He also plays out a marshall. In to be honest he is not happy with is tone anymore. ( more so just boried with it ). He is going to be purchasing a similiar setup as mine.
I wouldn't get to into the Krank hype, I know Andy used them on a few things and they sound great, but Andy could probably make my 15 watt Fender Frontman sound good. Is there any reason you aren't just trying these amps for yourself?
Sorry I didn't mean that they are BAD or anything, just that they're not better then 5150s or rectos for example. All good for something, but there's a lot of people who really love Krank and a lot who really don't and I think chadsxe is better off forming his own opinion of them by trying one. Of course, what do I know. :)
If you are bored with a Marshall, try out a 6505. I switched from Marshall to Peavey and I couldn't be happier. I considered spending more money than I would have to for a Peavey....but after trying one out a few times I realized there was no reason to.
Sinister Mephisto said:
Is there any reason you aren't just trying these amps for yourself?

1. I have to find them
2. It is soooo hard for me to be able to tell when it is in a store all modrate levels.

I do plan on searching and trying them before I buy.

As far as KRANK is concerned. From what I can tell the tone of the KRANK and 5150 are in the same genre. The both have that tight squeak when you pick. If that made any sense. Are my assumptions correct?

As far as the recto goes. I have nothing to base it off of except that wall of guitar crap sound I hate. I have to listen to more albums with them before I form and opinion.
chadsxe said:
There is another guitar player. He also plays out a marshall. In to be honest he is not happy with is tone anymore. ( more so just boried with it ). He is going to be purchasing a similiar setup as mine.

You really should get differently voiced amps. One of you having a upper mids voiced amp and the other low mids. Something like 5150/modded marshall & recto/cobra.

Here are some of my cobra clips, they should give you a pretty good idea of the cobra's crunch channel voicing.
Salvation 13 said:
You really should get differently voiced amps. One of you having a upper mids voiced amp and the other low mids. Something like 5150/modded marshall & recto/cobra.

that's exactly what my band is using right now. my other guitar player pretty much sticks to his marshall tsl100 (=wall of high mids just like any marshall) whereas i'm the gear whore in the band, constantly switching amps and stuff :lol:
anyways, right now i'm running a cobra which definitely is a low mid voiced amp. prior to that i was using a 5150 which mixed VERY well with his 5150, while having enough punch and clarity to kick his tone all over the place :D
the cobra sounds great without the second guitar, but with his wall of high mids i'm kinda struggling to be heared.
i'm really curious what my soundman's gonna tell me next week....if i should stick to the 5150, or the cobra.
i'd say that having a lo and a hi mid voiced amp definitely makes both guitars together sound HUGE as they're covering a large frequency range, but as i already said the thing is that the lo mid voiced amp gets drowned out way easier even with the mids cranked. i found that i had to run a whole lotta more volume when rehearsing in order to be heared than i had to run with my 5150 or my jcm800 for that matter.
you'll probably want to avoid recto. great amps but not a very tight sound (unless you throw something like a tubescreamer in front of them).

everything mentioned so far sounds good to me. 5150 good. although if you want variety you might want to check out the JSX...some interesting stuff going on with the controls of that head. bogner and VHT are also sweet heads, but spendy. and of course there's Soldano! if you have $2500 to drop on a SLO :) they also have a cheap line out now, the Avenger which is about the same price as a dual rect, but it only has one channel (no switching to clean tone on the fly). nice heads.

if you're really bored and want to spend the next 3 months figuring out your new amplifier's toggle switch functions, get a dual rect road king ;)
Fragle said:
anyways, right now i'm running a cobra which definitely is a low mid voiced amp. prior to that i was using a 5150 which mixed VERY well with his 5150, while having enough punch and clarity to kick his tone all over the place :D

Wait. Mixes well with his marshall or his 5150 .