And probably folk metal album of the year

Actually there are a few songs from Eluveitie that are real folk songs, just played in a metal way. The Andro is a traditional folk song...they just play it with distorted guitars.

In folk music, if it's original then it's probably not folk it metal, traditional or whatever. Folk music isn't supposed to be inventive or difficult to play, not in the least. It all comes from the same thing, whether we're speaking of Irish, German, Italian, Swiss, French, or any other folk music. Some traditional Friulano songs are exactly like some traditional Irish's all Celtic.

That said, Eluveitie does put a lot of modern sounding music with their folk, which steps a bit away from the tradition. But a reel is a reel. I'm not a very big fan of theirs but they know what they're doing.
probably helps that i haven't really listened to in flames so I don't know that their similar :p i just like the sound i like a lot of their traditional stuff more that their heavier stuff anyway.
Actually there are a few songs from Eluveitie that are real folk songs, just played in a metal way. The Andro is a traditional folk song...they just play it with distorted guitars.

In folk music, if it's original then it's probably not folk it metal, traditional or whatever. Folk music isn't supposed to be inventive or difficult to play, not in the least. It all comes from the same thing, whether we're speaking of Irish, German, Italian, Swiss, French, or any other folk music. Some traditional Friulano songs are exactly like some traditional Irish's all Celtic.

That said, Eluveitie does put a lot of modern sounding music with their folk, which steps a bit away from the tradition. But a reel is a reel. I'm not a very big fan of theirs but they know what they're doing.
Yeah because

Sounds a lot like



Perhaps on the full length there were a few more authentic songs/melodies (too say nothing about the quality of the actual music, just the authenticity), but in regards to the latest two, covers aside, they could add all the folk instruments they want and they wouldn't sound any less like poppy bullshit.
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lol way to point out their two worst songs.

and im sure theirs quite a few on previous album and the new one (which i haven't listened to all the way through yet)

wait why did this come up again?
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Im just pointing out that they can very easily do traditional Celtic music they just prefer to make it more modern i suppose, they are quite mainstream but it doesn't mean their terrible because they are poppy sounding...but w/e dude i don't fee like arguing this again because i really don't care.
true true but they are one of the very few bands i will put in that small percentage (seriously like them and three other bands) but thats just my taste, their not all that amazing over all but i just like the catchnness and the incorperation of the two styles. At least i haven't ended up like my friend and all he listens too is holographic universe...
Yeah so the new Arkona leaked and it rules just as much as I originally thought it would. Way more consistent than the last one. The full version of the opener/title track is epic as all hell.