And then there was one.....


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Nine down.

One to go.

The hype for this year could potentially reach PP III status pending on the last one.

Am I being cocky?

You bet your ass I am.

Glenn H.
I'm still blown away by ProgPower V. The patio party was great.

Oooooooh man, this is better than "Christmas Morning" anticipation!!!!!

Anybody else feel like doing a cartwheel with me?
tooobad71 said:
Can't wait..... March seems like a long time away. At least I have the Daytona 500 in between now and then and can look forward to that until the line-up is announced.
Haha, I hear ya, but for me it's the playoffs. But March does still seem like a ways off.

Oh man, I have a feeling that Glen might have outdone himself this time around. If this does wind up to have about the same hype as ProgPower III did, I WILL be in Atlanta this year!!!

Think I'm going anyway....