And While I'm All Fired Up About Posers


Skeletor Goes to Mars
Jan 30, 2005

Christian / Metal / Progressive? I think not. This band had the nerve to shoot a friend request to a Myspace profile I admin that clearly states "We do not book death metal or anything that ends with "core". If you are death metal or core please see the Genocide City page."

I feel sick and pissed.

Christian / Metal / Progressive? I think not. This band had the nerve to shoot a friend request to a Myspace profile I admin that clearly states "We do not book death metal or anything that ends with "core". If you are death metal or core please see the Genocide City page."

I feel sick and pissed.

Fuck em.
I was serious though... What? You got mad because some band added you on Myspace? Seriously?

That isn't why he got pissed at all. I gathered, the reason he got pissed is because in their adding of different people to myspace, they put out this "disclaimer" as it were, where they were not only insulting death metal/core bands, but they were doing it rather smugly. There is a wrong and a right way of putting your name out there. I also see, after reading their myspace page, that they are exploiting that loophole in the law, where they consider themselves a ministry instead of a band, therefor not having to pay taxes on anything they produce or sell. Fuckers.
Tax evasion by musicians is not limited the to "Christian" music market! I am in a Christian band. We haven't made any money to report yet. However, I was in a cover band for a few years up until recently, so I got to know a lot of people making a lot of money playing music, and from the conversations I had, I am the ONLY one of any of them that has filed a Schedule C to report income earned from music as a business. Just keep in mind that someone calling themselves a 'ministry' instead of a band is most likely not making any money anyway.

Sorry, that comment just struck a nerve. Also remember (yes, I am somewhat of an accountant dork), but those not reporting nominal income from their bands are also not allowed to writeoff expenses. This usually ends up benefiting the IRS because expenses such as mileage, equipment depreciation, etc will almost always result in a LOSS on Sch C and therefore LOWER ones tax liability. If we get lucky enough to start making enough money to net us a profit for the year, we will incorporate and become employees of the corporation.
Tax evasion by musicians is not limited the to "Christian" music market! I am in a Christian band. We haven't made any money to report yet. However, I was in a cover band for a few years up until recently, so I got to know a lot of people making a lot of money playing music, and from the conversations I had, I am the ONLY one of any of them that has filed a Schedule C to report income earned from music as a business. Just keep in mind that someone calling themselves a 'ministry' instead of a band is most likely not making any money anyway.

Sorry, that comment just struck a nerve. Also remember (yes, I am somewhat of an accountant dork), but those not reporting nominal income from their bands are also not allowed to writeoff expenses. This usually ends up benefiting the IRS because expenses such as mileage, equipment depreciation, etc will almost always result in a LOSS on Sch C and therefore LOWER ones tax liability. If we get lucky enough to start making enough money to net us a profit for the year, we will incorporate and become employees of the corporation.

I didn't say they were the only ones doing it, but I simply saw a very plain example of it and decided to mention it. Sorry I struck a nerve, but it's the truth, not to mention the fact that I am a huge fan of saying exactly what is on my mind, as many of my past posts have plainly illustrated.
I'm confused. I thought Gunstar was mad because a band has labeled itself a christian/metal/progressive band when he considers it nothing more than metalcore.
I'm confused. I thought Gunstar was mad because a band has labeled itself a christian/metal/progressive band when he considers it nothing more than metalcore.

You got it. They sound nothing like Theocracy or Harmony :lol:
Also they sound like a slew of bands that get market as spam because they disregard the purpose of that profile.

Thanks for pointing out the tax evasion thing. I love me some tax evasion, but not the type involving religion or illegal immigrants.
Are you still feeling sick from this whole debacle, or have you recovered from this apparent affront to everything you hold dear?

I took some generic gas relief pills, hydrocodone, and listened to Imaginations from the Other Side. All is well.