And While I'm All Fired Up About Posers

But Imaginations is cheese, and cheese gives you constipation. Therefore, you have accomplished nothing.

Cheese is the best thing to happen to food, period. So it's forgivable to like some cheese in your metal.
There is some truly legitimate anger. The being sick thing is a joke.

Glad to clarify.

Glad to have deleted my personal Myspace profile too.
It could be assumed that their choice of genre tags of Christian/Metal indicate that they don't consider themselves "core" or anything that you won't be booking. *edit: deleted a few lines after hearing the band*

lul *clicks and adds the band, just on principle*
It could be assumed that their choice of genre tags of Christian/Metal indicate that they don't consider themselves "core" or anything that you won't be booking. *edit: deleted a few lines after hearing the band*

lul *clicks and adds the band, just on principle*

That band actually would've sounded pretty good if that "singer" they had would've just shut the fuck up! :lol:
It's Myspace. Getting bent out of shape or taking things to seriously can only get you into a psychotherapists office much sooner than previously imagined. Now if you were following them on Twitter and they posted something of that nature THERE, this reaction I could understand.