and yet somehow I'm in doubts...


Senior Citizen
Sep 17, 2002
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...when Mike said the new album is gonna be quite a bit heavier than their previous work. I mean, how much heavier can you get than 'Of Sins And Shadows', 'Evolution', 'The Bird-Serpent War'?
I just hope the new album won't be too heavy and lose all beauty, melody and classical influence. I would still like to hear more songs in vein of 'The Edge of Forever', 'Lady Of The Snow', 'Communion And The Oracle'.
They've certainly done stuff thats borderline Pantera-heavy (Of Sins and Shadows, Eyes of Medusa, Prophets Cry), and I think any heavy they could definately be as heavy as good old Vulgar Display of Power era Pantera :D
My concern is that they over use the double bass!
I wouldn't mind hearing some aggressive type of singing without going into a growl.
I've now listened to the entire promo, and it's incredible. As another of my posts states, it is indeed heavier while still retaining the "SX" groove. Trust me, this is no Q2K--this is everything you like about OFB turned up to the nth degree.

You won't be disappointed!