Andrew Wk Must Die!!!!


Prejudice Bastard
Apr 27, 2002
who the fuck is this guy, and why do people keep refering to his fucking pop shit music as metal????

GodDamn, its that fucking MTV bullshit again or something.... we really should sue this band for causing emotional distress, or throw him in jail for impersonating an artist.... i mean c'mon, "Party Hardy"?
What the fuck is that all about.... I saw the music video...

It comes up and you see this guy with long black hair front of a mirror, with cuts on his face. And your hopes begin to arise...

then he walks out and you see a huge ass picture of him behind the band, who, at first glance, deceptively appear to be a rock band....

then they start "playing" their instruments....

and you see the bassist in a fucking hawaiian shirt or something, and your like "what the fuck is this shit?"

Has anyone else heard this shit?

Thats about the time the backing vocals start chanting Party Hardy over and over again.... and as soon as that shit came up I turned off the TV as fast as I could, and proceeded down the hall to my room to blare some Dimmu Borgir to recover....

didnt that saying go out about 20 years ago? I mean this stuff is shit.... this guy has to fucking die...
Originally posted by Black Winter Day
i read it and it was funny, ledmag

guys, this flaming thing is just TOO funny! :lol:

don't ever stop!

ROFL, when i read this i imagine you saying it with a valley accent.... which makes you sound like a fucking queer, "toooooo funny!" ROFL :lol:
Originally posted by [KOTNO]Narrot
andrew WK was suppossed to play at the full force festival (i really wanted to see him live...haha) but he got cancelled.... haha

if i prayed....i would pray that you were being sarcastic....
i really doubt that those guys take themselves seriously at all. i think the video is kind of funny. look at how they're dressed, how they act, and the kind of stuff they're playing. you're trying to tell me these guys considder themselves a real metal band? youve been had, because these guys know that they're acting like a pack of jackasses.
im just saying that when ive seen the video, or heard it start to play on the radio, or whenever someone talk about them, they are refered to as "metal". and i just think its a bunch of bullshit....
hmm that picture and your bald head reminds me of the picture in my epoch of unlight cd booklet thing. and i think they're from the south somewhere too. either way i was listening to that cd today. its pretty tight.