These threads always make me giggle... They serve a purpose, though... how many folks here thought, "hmmm...he's not talking about MY music, 'cause my music is the best music out there!" ? While the profanity, blanket generalizations and fairly offensive demeanor are all things we could do without, the point remains, "Everyone listens to crap, but me." I love that arrogant, small-mindedness. Made me think, though...
I dig some power metal, prog, all the things that make our pal want to cuss. Made me think, though, about why I don't seem to gravitate towards all these macho-metal bands -- talent level? I don't like to be yelled at? Lyrics? All of the above? I don't know. Bottom line, I don't like it as much. Big frickin' deal. I probably shouldn't post what I listen to on a regular basis, 'cause I might come off as not being metal enough for some. Doesn't mean I don't listen to my Testament, Nevermore, et al., but I temper it with stuff that's not quite as...heavy/agressive. I'm probably opening myself, here, to be called all sorts of things, but you know what? Whoop-de-frickin'-do! We all like different music, and I don't really give a rat's ass what you what *you* like. That said, I'm going to go dust off my Kinetic Dissent just to irritate those who don't like them. Might find my old Paradise Lost tape. (No, not the goth/growl band, the happy prog band from Canada...)
*brushes off the excess testosterone from the pointless posturing*