You're a guy having done quite much work in the US. Have you ever brought some gear with you back home, since it's pretty much cheaper "over there" compared to here in europe? I'm sure you have. I thought of buying some gear this summer to take home, but I'm a bit unsure because of all new rules at the airports. I mean, I'm pretty sure for example a preamp would look pretty suspicious in that new X-ray machine...?? So, do I just ignore that, and show them the gear if they ask what it is? Or is it better if I send the gear to my own address? But then I'd have to cross the little "gift box" on the green sticker that goes on the package, so that I don't have to pay a whole lot of tax, right? Or what do I do? Hope you have some handy tips...
Hehe, a friend who's a drummer going home from a tour got stopped at the airport because of his d-drum brain which he had in a suitcase. When they asked what it was he answered "It's a trigger!"....
Hehe, a friend who's a drummer going home from a tour got stopped at the airport because of his d-drum brain which he had in a suitcase. When they asked what it was he answered "It's a trigger!"....