Can you justify spending more than $1000 on any one piece of gear?

How do you 1640 owners deal with only have 2 outputs? It would drive me nuts having to disconnect my monitors to reamp :/

thats hell of annoying!!

turn monitors off, disconnect, connect reamp, reamp, disconnect remap, connect monitors, turn on monitors.. aaaarg
i was thinking about a a second interface like, mackie 400f just for reamp, but then..all my inputs etc in my daw gets changed all the time when i want to reamp..
there is something like you can hook up 2 mackie onyx firewire mixer together and use it as one combined big audiointerface.
but i dont know if a mackie onyx 1620 + 400f would work together..
somehow i got a bad feeling that it will not work :( (on a pc, on mac it would work with that audio aggregate option)
It's not "recording gear", but the gear I own that cost me more than $1000....:

Diezel VH4
Peavey 6505
Diezel cab
Mesa cab
Blackmachine guitar
Gibson Explorer
Caparison Dellinger

And I love it all like the capitalist materialistic bastard that I am :D