Are you more than metal?

Soul of Ice

Rusted Angel
Jul 29, 2002
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im on a posting rampage tonight. anyway....

What else can you credit your name to besides playing an instrument, listening to shit no one else does, etc.

I am a student working towards a History major with maybe a minor in Anthropology. I would like to become a teacher (hopefully working with somewhat intelligent kids), or I dont know what else.

I excercise a lot, cant seem to reach my target goal weight of 185 (im a measly 165) and unfortunately got my metabolism so high i lose weight overnight...but i look good hehe.

I have had gay guys hit on me before. I wasnt too thrilled at that.

I have a great friend that would do anything for me and me for him (cept the reach around...well we havent gotten to that stage yet).

I am a craftsman/artist. I can make stained glass very well, better than the man who taught me. Ive made tons of great pieces and a few windows. I want to work on one over the summer, maybe set up a shop in my house.

I really want to learn carpentry though, just like my grandfather used to do. I guess I really like making stuff.

What about you? Are you a real person? I hope people respond cause it would be cool to get to know people better here and a real sense of who/what you really are.

my real reason for posting? Boredom!!! curiosity too, but mainly boredom :)
Nice thread man :headbang: let's see what I can come up with:

Music is my real passion, but I have plenty of bumps that I need to get over to pursue the career of a musician. My dream is to be a frontman (or guitar player).

Lately i've been interested in philosophy and I love social type or religious arguments.

I'll probably study something in the computer/internet vein (web design maybe)

Hopefully when i'm in college i'll be able to take some time off and focuse a hell lot on music (there's a conservatory near my college where I could do some off-college studies)

Other than that, I don't think I have any other goals settled.
I play the drums and listen to shit no one else does.

Music consumes my life. I listen to music every chance I have. I can't study without listening to music (some people are the opposite).

I am a junior at Penn State majoring in Geography (Geographic Information Systems option).

I lift weights religiously. I play racquetball frequently. I am a downhill skiing nut. (Also enjoy X-country skiing). I love watching the Pittsburgh Steelers on tv.

Most of my friends love metal. (A prerequisite for my friendship, :lol: )

I love the following movies: "What About Bob?", "Multiplicity", "The Jerk", "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels", "Caddyshack", "The English Patient".

Pain of Salvation's "The Perfect Element Pt. 1" is my favorite album of all time. Conception's "In Your Multitude" is the most underrated classic of all time. I am looking forward to Evergrey - "Recreation Day" more than anything else.

My favorite concert experiences so far have strangely been watching opening bands... Symphony X (opening for Blind Guardian) and Porcupine Tree (opening for Yes)... both bands captivated me with their live performances.

I have a college radio show that plays Prog Metal, Non-shitty Power Metal, Prog Rock and Anathema. I have a listenership of approximately 1 and 3/16 persons.

I enjoy whitewater rafting, canoeing, camping, backpacking, mountain biking.

Anyone for tennis? I play.

Sometimes I spend too much time on the internet when I should be working on schoolwork.

I want to stage a hostile takeover of the local "rock" radio station.
This is like my 4th edit... but hell, I think I should include my name..... which is Christoffer, people call me Chris.......

Well, I am currently attending technical school to become a media graphic designer.. currently working on some stuff so I might can an apprenticeship... Gotta have.. Don't have much chance of finishing without.

I hang around the internet a lot.. Especially on the forums on, where I have been since march last year.. There is a lot of pop-shite/style/attitude and some dumbasses as well, but I have met the greatest people ever there as well, and there are even a couple of people into progressive :)

I do some webdesign in my spare time.. To test my creativity in various conditions.. etc etc etc.... study some C++ once in a while (been a while since last time now though).

And of course, I started playing the guitar around christmas.. (note: trying to, trying to ;)) I write some stuff as well.. Got a lot of good feedback on it, so I'll try to make a career in music... *daydreaming in the night*

Anyway.. that's me.

EDIT: I listen to music about 75-80% of the time I am awake.... I'm an addict. ;)
I'd also like to start a band sometime.. Frontman or guitarist.. Both would be nice :)
Hi. I'm new to this part of the internet, but not to good Metal.

Music also consumes my life. Playing bass guitar and skating/snowboarding is all I ever excelled at, until I got a computer. Now I'm not only a sophisticated music lover, but a nerd as well.

I'm into my third year in an Information Systems program at my local community college, focusing on Network Administration. I'm Certified A+, and after graduation, plan to take the MCSE exams to complement my degree.

I'm a pc gamer (Unreal, Soldier of Fortune, Deus Ex, Etc.). And I do enjoy snowboarding, when time permits.

I would love to one day find bandmates to make music similar to Evergrey, Dali's Dilemma, or Dreamscape. It'll probably never happen, but I can still hope. There are probably 25 Prog Metal heds in my City of 250,000, but only two or three even play instruments. I am moving to Penn. after graduation, so maybe I'll find some there...
Lets see, like a few others Music consumes alot of my life. Im also a big internet junkie, and a movie buff.

Other than killing countless hours on the net scouring for new music, and mp3's I have a brutal physical job in a warehouse, try to work out when I feel motivated, and go out of town to visit new sceneries.

Been playing drums 25 years, and I also dabble in Guitar , Bass, and Keys. Gave up seriously in the 90's when METAL practically died in the states.

Have a huge extensive CD collection that goes hand and hand with my music DVD's bootlegs, and other promos and rarities.

I am actually a Symphony X collector, and have rare items like a Japanese Twilight In Olympus tour shirt, 5 different posters for different CD's, Romeos Guitar chapter on DVD from Young guitar mag, the Japanese Live on edge of forever (different cover) , Odyssey (with Frontiers), and Twilight In Olympus (postcards and sticker). I have a few weird promos too including Behind the Masks with a cool cover.

I collect other artists/bands too.

Currently run the USA Pagans Mind website, and am looking for some new faces over at the message board! :D

EDIT : I am also a beer snob Im told. Love scouting new micro breweries for pale ales, and lagers. No pissweiser here! Will travel for good beer!

Im also going to be the 1st to reply with a pic of myself too. Me and Michael Romeo baby!

About myself.

I'm 21. (almost 22). My name is Dmitriy Rudenko. I live in Kiev.
I am a student at the National University ... ( faculty of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics).

I like math and programming very much. Beside this I work at a software company as a programmer (C, C++, Objective C) for Macintosh.

I started to listen a lot of music only a year ago. Before I listened to SX, Threshold was my favourite. I also like very much:( in no order)

Opeth, Kamelot, Fates Warning, ARK(of course), Yes, King Crimson, Marillion , Arena ,Pain of Salvation, Therion, Van der Graaf Generator, Black Sabbath.

I lift weights at least two times a week. I play football (soccer for our american friends :) ) or minifootball at least once a week. I like to watch sports and especially football , ice-hockey and basketball. I don't watch TV a lot although. I don't have time for this.

My favourite movies are Pulp Fiction, Blood Sport, Enter the Dragon, Apocalypse Now, Lord of the Rings (I, II) , Leon, Fifth Element, Matrix, Seven, Blade Runner, Star Wars.
The movie I hate is Fight Club.

The books I read are mostly documentation and some science shit. As for fiction, I like fantasy, science fiction, Steven King a little. Some psycology.

I am single. I've recently severed relationship with my girlfriend that I loved a lot. So I'm very depressed. :(

But forget it. I like barbie-like girls with blond hair and big tits. If there are some - mail me :)

I have 4 real friends and they listen the same kind of music,
But two of them love the most PoS and one loves Blind Guardian.

I like to drink beer. Within reasonable limits.

I like to play computer games. My favourites are Heroes of Might and Magic, Might and Magic and Warcraft. If you know Warcraft III, you may guess what my nick means.

I'm not a musician, but I like to sing, I sang in a choir formerly. My voice can vary from tenor to bass. But it needs more practice.

That's all.
I'm one of the younger guys on the forum, so like Ultimate_Symphony I don't have very many goals set right now.

When I go to college I want to do something with math or web design. Anything that doesn't have to do with science.

Most of the money I get goes towards new cd's, I've gathered around 60 over the past 6 months. I don't think its that bad for someone without a job.

The only sport I'm serious about is soccer, I play on a few different teams during the spring, summer, and fall, and I play indoors during the winter (thats really fun :D )

I play guitar, but I don't see myself starting a career with it.

My favorite movies are Sixth Sense, Terminator 1 and 2, Matrix (can't wait till Matrix 2!!!), Lord of the Rings 1 and 2, Predator.

I like reading sci-fi and horror books, most of the stuff about the occult are interesting.

Video games are fun, I play Counter-Strike on the computer and a few games on my Playstation 2.
Let's see... Well, music is certainly a passion of mine - listening, composing, and playing (guitar). My other passion is my wife - we've been married for 6 1/2 years.

I have both Bachelors and Masters degrees in computer science, and have most recently been in the technology consulting field.

I also love baseball, and started playing again after a 12-year hiatus.

I try to exercise, and usually get a couple of hours a week on the treadmill. My wife and I are about to start yoga, which should be interesting.

I play a lot of computer games - mostly of the roleplaying variety (Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, etc.). I watch a lot of movies. I like to read fiction and non-fiction.

My wife and I travel quite a it. Last year, we visited London, Phoenix, Montreal, Toronto, New York City, Cooperstown (Baseball Hall of Fame), San Francisco, and Denver. This year we will hit both Phoenix and New York again, Plus we are taking a 2-week trip to Europe to hit Amsterdam, various cities in Germany, and the Wacken festival.

Finally, I love spending time with my nieces and nephews (I have 6 of them, ranging in age from 3 to 20).

That's me in a nutshell.

Man. So many geeks here. I feel at home. I hate computer games but i do play the best RPG - Dungeons and Dragons. You guys gotta have human interaction, that is the best in my opinion :D Im actually looking forward to a killer game this weekend that is if i can fit it into my busy schedule :(

more on that later....
Soul of Ice, I'm a D&D geek myself lmao. I used to play a lot with a group of friends, but you know, everyone has their life and suddently each one of us finds ourselves with no time anymore. Not many people play D&D here in PR.

Anyway about myself, like many of you here, music is my number 1 passion. I play guitar, have been like 8 years ago. Although I'm self taught so I'm not as good as those who have taken guitar lessons.

I'm a computer tech at a local ISP here in PR. You might call me a computer geek if you might.

I'm a graphic artist; work with several programs like Photoshop, 3d Studio Max, Macromedia flash. If you want to check out my little portfolio of signatures you can do so here.

I know a little bit of computer and game programming. Know a little C++ an VC++, and I also like to mod in unreal script for the unreal engine which powers games like Unreal, Ureal Tournament, and all the Unreal Series.

I play computer games a lot, I enjoy most type of innovative games, like RPG's, FPS (First person shooters), specially on multiplayer. I also like simulation games, war strategy games etc.

Well that's all I can think of for now lol, as I just woke up ;)
I'm one of the oldest here clocking in at 38 with a Bachelors degree in electronic engineering.

My job is with camera systems that are used mainly for inspection which is very rewarding due to the interesting places that I get to travel to like Cape Canaveral, Nuclear plants and in planes/helicopters. It also helps that the job pays VERY well.

I'm also into exercising which includes Weights, Yoga and Meditation. There's no other music in the world that helps you get the most out of a workout then some of the extreme metal bands that I listen to!

I'm also a professional Bowler who has seen some tv time in the mid 90's but I'm now a part timer who still manages to make an extra 10 to 15 tousand a year competing.

Most of my friends and wife (1st kid due to arrive 2/21) like the progressive music that I introduce to them but when it comes to the Death metal field of music I'm all alone. Most of the Eastern region of the professional bowlers association really loved Symphony X ALOT!

I gave up playing any instruments when I was 14 to focus on the bowling thing but I'm like 24/7 when it comes to listening.

No video games for me since Sega and my wife and I built a theater in our house so we watch alot of movies.

My name is Jeff Morin and if you have any interest to see how my bowling year went in 2002 here's the link.
Ok, I'll see what I can think of...

Music has a huge part in my life, I like almost all kinds of music, classical, hard rock, finnish punk rock (it's funny!), melodic-, death-, power and almost all kinds of forms of metal. I also like to sing, mostly by myself, but I'm going to sing some backing vocals for my friends' next demo this summer.

I work as a seamstress, though I studied designings. I still design a lot of clothes, mostly to myself, friends or family.

I'm also a mother of a 2,5 year old lovely girl, she's a total metalhead already! Her absolute fave band is, surprisingly, Symphony X :)

I used to train race horses and now I try to go for a ride whenever it's possible. One of my worst experiences was with horses, I almost got killed, 'cause a horse kicked me to my jaws about 10 years ago.

I try to work out a bit, but I rarely get the chance to do so... It's a shame, 'cause I could really use some exercise :rolleyes:

If you want to see, how I look like, go to You'll find me there :)

I guess that's all...
Cool thread, get to know other Forum members.
RE: ProgMetalFan says: "I want to stage a hostile takeover of the local "rock" radio station."
Ever see the movie "AIRHEADS" ?? :lol:

I hear I'm the old man here at age 46. :eek:
I'm married 20 years Feb 19 and have 3 kids, a dog and 7 cats. We're all musicians. I'm a Medical Lab Tech at a hospital, also a Web Designer. I love good music and have thousands of vinyl LPs, performed solo and in bands for about 20 years.

My 17 year-old son is an accomplished Prog Metal drummer and got me, Sharon, and his younger sisters into the music a few years ago. He developed and produced "BJ's Dare to Drum" video at age 11 (for beginning drummers).
We are all devoted SymX fans, and I enjoy the Forum. Prog fans are interesting and intelligent people. ;)

My teen years to about 25 were spent going to concerts and partying. I'm thankful I lived through it and did not hurt anyone thru those intense times.

Good to meet you all. I wish everyone the best that can come to you in your lives. Stu

DrumrMan, The HAND touched your shoulder...!! :OMG:

Well... about me... I'm Architecture student, I'm at 2nd period now (periods = year), in a total roll of 5 periods/years. I don't know, exactly, if my destiny is gonna be as an architect, or anything else.

One passion I developed recently is photography, and I take lots and lots of photos with an Canon EOS Rebel G, which is a great entry-level camera. ;)

I'm also a guitarrist (duhh...), and I play since I was 13 (I'm 22 now), and that's another of my passions.

I'm single, only son, and... I don't know what else to say about me. Hehehehehe!! I definitely HATE summer, and I wish it could have snow here in Brazil!

I guess that's all, folks! ;)
Originally posted by Soul of Ice
How do you guys post your pics up? What website allows you to upload em?

I wanna show people what i look like cause it would be wrong to keep to myself

If that doesn't get you further, gimme a hint and I'll put it up for ya ;) I have a place for it if that's the case.