P90X....Worth the hype?

Fucking link is a win, I love that site. Great beginner routine, no bullshit just raw basic lifts and a good linear progression.

I'm doing Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 these days and it is fucking awesome. EliteFTS for the win, powerlifting rules.

Youtube search Peter Sannicandro

My little brother. He holds powerlifting records for his age/weight.
Fucking link is a win, I love that site. Great beginner routine, no bullshit just raw basic lifts and a good linear progression.

I'm doing Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 these days and it is fucking awesome. EliteFTS for the win, powerlifting rules.

I did some lame shit in my early working out, doing like 12 fucking reps. I found this site, and the difference is MASSIVE, both strength wise and body-looking wise.
Well i literally JUST finished doing day 1 of it (chest,back,abs) And i have to say, This thing is fucking legit. I just gotta go pick up some new dumbbells because apparently I lost mine so I was just holding on to plates as best as I could. But im def gonna enjoy doing this thing, Even if i dont gain any weight off it, it will be a huge help for my stamina and shit for when I do get back to the gym. I was thinking of doing this for the full cycle and then going back to the gym and trying out the wendler workout that adam had mentioned. Anybody against that?