Are you more than metal?

nataservant said:
I constantly try to expand my mind and my knowledge in other areas besides the metal field. I feel I am extremely strong minded and partially open minded. I hold my opinions very high unless proven otherwise, even if they are wrong. I don't really get along with people that are concieted or otherwise full of themselves and shit on people they feel are inferior. I hate prejudice and other stupid discriminatory means. Also I have a very large and twisted sense of humor and find almost all things stupid to be awesome. Well that about wraps it up.
*beers* to all that have expressed themselves on this thread

This is cool, the way you simply put together what you're about. I had to think about this, but it seems to me that this paragraph applies to most of us on this Forum. Kinda like a common thread, what do you all think???
Ahhh don't worry cyclopsis I'll spare your last post blushes for ya, it's usually me anyway.

Wouldn't want people to think the Dutch are good at coming last like most major football tournaments!!

Good to know another drummer that isn't a raging extrovert like most of um. My secret cure for shyness has always been our dear friend alcohol, life n soul of the party after a few pints (of gin), one time I even danced to techno music but we don't speak of that anymore.

Hey what football club is it you work for?

Hey man if I'm ever in Holland I'll look ya up, you could show me a few tricks on the drums and then we could kick back and watch a re-run of England vs Holland, Euro 96, you remember the one were England beat you 4-1, don't forget the six pack!!
Pharoah said:
This is cool, the way you simply put together what you're about. I had to think about this, but it seems to me that this paragraph applies to most of us on this Forum. Kinda like a common thread, what do you all think???

wow, it's actually kind of cool to actually have someone agree with my train of thought. Most people (the weak minded) have nothing to say. They try to out do you when you show your strong side because they are the ones that actually feel inferior even though they attempt to treat you that way.
--My name is sort of confidential(although anyone who wants to find out can check who's the current Pope).

--I'm a 21-year old Psychology student living somewhere in Southeast Asia. I have as much as 10-20% Spanish blood, but I never took up the language in college.

--The course I'm taking up sort of deviates from Clinical Psychology since there are a few Management subjects thrown in. So essentially, I'm taking up Industrial Psychology.

--I play the drums. Learned it when I was 12, never dropped the sticks since.

--I got a few friends who like progressive metal. And I tell myself that I'm lucky.

--I'm a gamer. PC or console, it doesn't matter. I own a Sony PlayStation 2 and a GameCube. the types of games that I play? RPGs, first-person shooters, fighting games, and the occasional puzzle game.

--I'm a practitioner of Judo. Earned my black belt in it in 2001. I'm currently taking up Thai kickboxing. I've a passion for the martial arts.

--Recently got into webdesign and web programming. Friends think it's an odd thing--knowing that I'm a Psych dude, then seeing me reading about Perl!

--I'm not much of a TV buff, but there are a few shows I watch. Mostly news or something informative(thank the heavens for TechTV!)

--Movies? I like a lot of's a "short" list: Requiem for a Dream, Apocalypse Now, The Thirty-Nine Steps, The Godfather series, Carlito's Way, The Devil's Advocate, Jacob's Ladder, Cinema Paradiso, LOTR--both movies, The Matrix(not too big on the second one though), The First Power...all right, I can't remember everything else.

--I listen to anything except pop or rap music. But of course, I'm fond of rock and metal.

--I'm single right now. It'd be a while before I'd start dating again, I'd reckon...
I love law, I'd like to become a lawyer yet still maintain my acting, music, and writing interests. Hopfully, I will eventually be able to pursue music, acting, or writing as a profession.
i would like to start by saying i love music more than anything in this life. i really enjoy sitting back and listening to some of the greatest musical talent we have (Symphony X, Dream Theater, etc.)

im a Senior in High School. next year i will be entering into college and im pretty sure im ging to study something computer related.

If i was not so lazy i would try to play hockey more often, but since i live in miami, its rare to find someone to play with.

My best friend is minstrel_of_metal who is on this forum. he is like my metal brother.

my favorite movies would have to be:
LOTR: The Return of the King
The Last Samurai
American Beauty
