--My name is sort of confidential(although anyone who wants to find out can check who's the current Pope).
--I'm a 21-year old Psychology student living somewhere in Southeast Asia. I have as much as 10-20% Spanish blood, but I never took up the language in college.
--The course I'm taking up sort of deviates from Clinical Psychology since there are a few Management subjects thrown in. So essentially, I'm taking up Industrial Psychology.
--I play the drums. Learned it when I was 12, never dropped the sticks since.
--I got a few friends who like progressive metal. And I tell myself that I'm lucky.
--I'm a gamer. PC or console, it doesn't matter. I own a Sony PlayStation 2 and a GameCube. the types of games that I play? RPGs, first-person shooters, fighting games, and the occasional puzzle game.
--I'm a practitioner of Judo. Earned my black belt in it in 2001. I'm currently taking up Thai kickboxing. I've a passion for the martial arts.
--Recently got into webdesign and web programming. Friends think it's an odd thing--knowing that I'm a Psych dude, then seeing me reading about Perl!
--I'm not much of a TV buff, but there are a few shows I watch. Mostly news or something informative(thank the heavens for TechTV!)
--Movies? I like a lot of them...here's a "short" list: Requiem for a Dream, Apocalypse Now, The Thirty-Nine Steps, The Godfather series, Carlito's Way, The Devil's Advocate, Jacob's Ladder, Cinema Paradiso, LOTR--both movies, The Matrix(not too big on the second one though), The First Power...all right, I can't remember everything else.
--I listen to anything except pop or rap music. But of course, I'm fond of rock and metal.
--I'm single right now. It'd be a while before I'd start dating again, I'd reckon...