Are you more than metal?

to harp: by starting off with a threat maybe? Cool it.

Anyway I have some more photos of myself if anyone is interested in a hot young piece of ass like myself being a total ass. Some of which I am even touching myself. (dont worry its pg-13)

Fuck, the site is down. i will post em later
I was not unpolite. I used a heated tone, but this guy has done far worse and he got banned for it. I did not call him any names and offered to reconcile our differences. Threats are not impolite in themselves.
ok, about me. i of course play an instrument (bass and a bit of guitar) and as always listen to shit no one else does
my name is zach and i am 18 years old. um... i am still in high school (senior) and hate every second of it. i am not a typical "school sucks" type of teen, i just like to learn and that school is useless. I go to some classes at the community college and that helps. Next year i am going to go into culinary arts and hopefully open a restaurant someday (how bout it... a metalhead bar that serves lobster and steak???). live music would be there for sure!! that's about it for me. if i think of anythign else, i may think of posting it.

I love this "concept" of banning free thought. Reform?? Into what a communist? If I wanted to play little baby games with you I certainly wouldn't have revealed who I am. I exposed you for what you are. It was easy. I stand by every single word I wrote and those words had nothing to do with "stiring up trouble", to the contrary, they were about making a point - dashed with sarcasm, sprinkled with wit.

Why would you even respond to my last post? Come on - "I'm watching you"???

:flame::flame: Bobby = The sugar that hits Lars caviety. :flame::flame:
i got an idea. he's back, so deal with it. nobody say shit to bobby unless he does something to deserve it. let the past be forgotten, and if need be ban him again. it's that simple. besides, this is a metal board, not a be a complete bitch board. that comment is for everyone. not bobby. so everyone (bobby, whoever else is involved) just let it rest. i would make a great mother. to bad i am male.

I`m all for free thought, but your witless, inane profanity(EXPOSE ME?!?!?!?!? HAHAHAHAHAH YOU`RE FRIGGIN PARANOID!!!) was annoying and served no purpose other than to provoke me and the others in the thread. I could say so much more about this, but for the sake of board peace, I will keep it at this. Do not, and I repeat not, reply to one of my posts ever again.

And to the guy who commented my sig, thanks!!!
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
What did Bobby do to get shitted on in the first place?

It appears that a joke thread was started about Bush which lead to political debate. Bobby ran with it, but so did others, rather than letting it go, it got nasty. Oh well, the thread was closed and Jax gave a URL for these types of discussions to be discussed and debated, said it's not appropriate here. I didn't know Bobby was booted off, but I think the reason was that he never wanted to talk about the band or metal or anything else but politics (???)

I just want to express an this fragile period of time, I think it's great to have a place where people from all over this planet can go and share thoughts about music. It's a common thread that ties us all together in a positive way. There is only ONE Symphony X Forum. There are numerous political forums on the Web, many where ill feelings for one another are the norm, and even encouraged. I, for one am thankful for the chance to talk with really cool people about the band and music in general. If a thread gets going that doesn't interest me, I'll just pass over it. We ALL have that option here.

So, Bobby's back. If he wants to get into political debate and it upsets us, don't bother replying. If he wants to talk about Symphony X and the music we all enjoy, well, cool......then welcome back, Bobby. Understand that this is what most of us are here for.:rock:

P.S. Romeo or Petrucci??
NO NO (nevermind) HeHe
Soul of Ice said:
to harp: by starting off with a threat maybe? Cool it.

Anyway I have some more photos of myself if anyone is interested in a hot young piece of ass like myself being a total ass. Some of which I am even touching myself. (dont worry its pg-13)

Fuck, the site is down. i will post em later
To harp heaven: that's what I ment :)
Harp Heaven said:

I`m all for free thought, but your witless, inane profanity(EXPOSE ME?!?!?!?!? HAHAHAHAHAH YOU`RE FRIGGIN PARANOID!!!) was annoying and served no purpose other than to provoke me and the others in the thread. I could say so much more about this, but for the sake of board peace, I will keep it at this. Do not, and I repeat not, reply to one of my posts ever again.

And to the guy who commented my sig, thanks!!!

Just a little background for people who don't know what went down.

This is only the second message board I have frequented since I went online. Thats been 7 years or so. The only other one I spent any time on was a Yngwie board. I never once posted about politics there. Not once.

It was through that board that I discovered SX. People were constantly posting about their greatness and whatnot. So I decided to check them out. And it turned out to be one of my most pleasureble musical expericences. From there I wanted some more info, so I went to the web site and blablabla.... eventually I found my way here.

I posted for quite some time before the Bush feiasco. And the one thing I noticed was the huge amount of anti-American sentiment, on a music board no-less. Nobody else seemed to want to say anything about the other side of the coin. The beautiful place that is this country.

So I took up the torch.(I sound like those two fats guys talkin about Dio in that one tune that escapes me at the moment.)

This Harp character really amuzed me. This cat knows everything about absolutely everything there is to know about everything that exists in the entire universe. And he is not afraid to tell you just that. And his theatre of the absurd becomes even more laughable when you find out he is 17 years old.

He stated his opinion in his, "heated tone". And I stated mine in my, "heated tone". The only problem was that he didn't like my "heated tone". So he took it upon himself to enter into a crusade to throw me out of here.

I never said I was going to fly to Norway and cause physical harm to him or his family. I never yelled fire in the message board. I simple stated my point in my own, "heated tone". He didn't like my, "heated tone". So he took some of my, "heated" one or two liners and scurried to find the administrator of this here establishment.

That's kind of how Sociolism/Communisum works. Force your opinions on others, and crush other opinions feverishly.

So I come back here because I really love the band and have been turned on to some other outstanding music through the people here. I post on thread about hobbies and the like, admitting my former identity here, and what do we get from Lars? "..get the fuck out... I'm watching you.... Do not, and I repeat do not reply to one of my posts again."

Geez.... You would think he wanted to hit me with his nunchucks or something. He's "all for free thought" but just don't reply to his posts. Kinda sounds like some logic from one of my 2 year olds.

Of my former posts(I had about 100) I would guess that around 80 were about SX and music in general.

I didn't have ANY intension of replying to anything by the almighty Lars. But I'm not going to sit back and be slandered by Karl Marx either. So buddy it's you with the problem... not I.
Well lets see. I'm a 19 year old, rich (not being stuck up, just stating that my parents are:p), white yuppie from Connecticut:) I'm a freshman on my college's swim team, and am currently ranked 20th in the nation (NCAA Division 2) in the mile. I, like many others here, enjoy philosophy, and was considering it as a major, but changed my mind, going for english. On that note, I love to write, and am currently talking with Mark about a position writing for this site, which I hope I get. I love travelling the world, and a week after the Symphony X show in MA, I'm driving to Montreal with friends. Cool topic idea:)
IntoObscurity said:
Well lets see. I'm a 19 year old, rich (not being stuck up, just stating that my parents are:p), white yuppie from Connecticut:) I'm a freshman on my college's swim team, and am currently ranked 20th in the nation (NCAA Division 2) in the mile. I, like many others here, enjoy philosophy, and was considering it as a major, but changed my mind, going for english. On that note, I love to write, and am currently talking with Mark about a position writing for this site, which I hope I get. I love travelling the world, and a week after the Symphony X show in MA, I'm driving to Montreal with friends. Cool topic idea:)

ACK!!! Jealousy!!!

Oh so your a rich boy from Conneticut huh? FUCK YOU! IF your so fucking good at swimming and 20th in the nation, why aint you in a Division 1 school? What they didnt offer you a scholarship, so your parents could save more money that they already had? ha.

Philosophy is fucking weak as all hell. The most bullshit of the liberal arts. Who just wants to sit around debating what is right and what is wrong? Put some fucking use to yourself and run (or swim) with English.

Traveling the world eh? Do you know what that is? Overated. Going to an airport just to have them sniff your shoes is a waste of your and other peoples time. Why go to places that dont speak English? thats just dumb. Places that dont speak English good is stupid. Montreal? do you call that travelling the world? you live in a small world preppy.

I dont need your approval for this topic idea. and finally FUCK YOU!!!

Dont take what i wrote there seriously, i kinda thought you set yourself up there so i had to run with it.

But here is a real response...

You will most likely change your major once you spend some more time in college. Hell, I went in wanting to be an engineer and now i am probably going to come out a history major anthropology minor. Thats quite a jump. I would love to travel the world. I have never been to europe (let alone Canada) and would love to go. I think if i could go anywhere, i would probably want to go to Norway, because it is part of my ethnic backround, and see why so many killer bands come out of the country.

Good luck in college and pick a major you know you will be happy with.

BTW i am a poor college kid, send some money my way, I need more cds :grin:

np black label society - stronger than death