What a very cool thread!

Let's see..
My real name is Chris (Christine), I'm 26, soon to be 27, and I live in the Detroit metro area in Michigan, USA. I'm originally from Baltimore, MD, home of some of the best seafood around.

Kyra was the name I was given in Russian class and always thought it was a beautiful name, so I use it online a lot.
I graduated in 98 from Duke University - an absolutely wonderful 4 years. I absolutely live and die by Duke basketball and am always very proud of Coach K and the Blue Devils. I also have the utmost respect for all of our rivals, so any Tarheel or Terps fans, don't bother trying to get me into a flame war.
I love tennis but haven't really had the opportunity to play since moving here.
I'm not a huge movie buff but my favorite movies are Dead Again, The Matrix, and the Fellowship of the Ring. I love to read just about all kinds of fiction except for sci-fi. From Tolkien to Stephen King to Anne Perry to Dostoyevsky.
I grew up listening to a lot of classical music, the Beatles, and a number of top 40 stuff that my parents listened to. I didn't really have much of a passion until high school when I started listening to a little Alice in Chains and Soundgarden and stuff. In 93 my world totally changed when I discovered Rush, who became my favorite band and remain so to this day. I could spend all day trying to explain what their music has meant to me and not do it justice. Having them back in 2002 has been incredible..the first time I saw them on the Vapor Trails tour I wept during the opening song because it really hit me that they were back and I was really getting to see them again. I wound up seeing them live 17 times and towards the end of the tour I actually got to meet Geddy and Alex, which I must say was the best day of my life. It was something I had dreamed about so many times but never thought would happen.
Other favorite bands over the years have been Dream Theater, Iron Maiden, and Queensryche. It is probably no coincidence that all three of those bands were influenced by Rush to some degree.
Late in 2001 Progmetal Fan sent me 2 discs that had 24 different bands on it, from SX to Threshold to Vanden Plas to Angel Dust. I really didn't like most of it all at first and it took me a good 5 months to start really being able to take it all in. It was just overload of music and hard to digest at once. I got over it though, and now I own cds from 15 of those 24 bands with 6 more on my "to buy" list.
Threshold was another of those "life changing" bands for me and only Rush and possibly DT can top them. I love all their albums, and even all of their songs. I found out about ProgPower USA and bought my ticket the day it went on sale because I saw that Threshold was going to be there. They were totally amazing live and completely deserved that #1 tie with DT for best live band.
After Threshold, the "new" bands I like most that I have discovered are Symphony X and Angra. Both of them put on amazing shows. I also really love Vanden Plas, Angel Dust, Blind Guardian and many others. There are only a couple bands that PMF sent me that I don't like...pretty amazing.
I have played the flute since I was about 10 years old. I got away from it in college but have been breaking it out to play again rather often the last couple years. I don't play any rock instruments and this point but it has been my dream to learn how to play bass and I mean to make that happen sooner or later. Geddy Lee is my inspiration and despite hearing numerous bass players who are probably technically better, imo no one comes up with bass lines that are as interesting as Geddy's. One or two people have offered to teach me but then changed their minds after I told them I was left handed.

That is not going to stop me though!