Can you justify spending more than $1000 on any one piece of gear?

Hell, it's not technically recording gear, but it works as recording, but the Line 6 POD X3 Live costs 1299 AUD and I've got one. Hell, I'd spend 2 grand on an Axe FX Ultra+Presonus Firepod if I had the dough.
fuck yeah!.
my monitors were over a grand in $.
then theres the pres, the orange cab, the 002 when it was new,etc etc etc
Oh, yes.. I've made a point in trying not to obtain cheap'n'crappy stuff anymore (unless they're just cheap and hopefully not crappy). This gets expensive quickly and not too many items acquired per year..

Genelec 8040s, Chandler TG2, 002, 2x AKG 414B-ULS and also after we put our business together a Lynx Aurora 8 and Toft ATB24. All of these have had an impact on quality. Oh, and some rockwool, wood and labour time.. :p

There are bargains (eg. RNC/RNLA, ART Pro VLA) but you have to really study and keep learning all the time about this stuff so as to not get burned. I still have Behringer gear in my rack..

Now, keyboards are a totally different matter.. :Saint:
I can justify spending over a grand on monitors and the monitoring chain, and computers.

other than that though it's kind of hard. I probably could justify over a grand on a mic if it was good pretty much all around, something specialty though would be more difficult. Preamps seem a little bit easier to justify, but even still it's hard to bite that kind of bullet.

Honestly though monitors over a grand and even up to 3 grand wouldn't make me to upset when I went to bed :lol:.
So what did you buy for a ridiculous price that you think you NEED?

-adam p11
-coleman monitor matrix
-brauner mic
-great river pre
-fast pc

seriously, i could also make music with much cheaper stuff, the results may be the same due to my recording and mixing location (bedroom -.-)

i just wanted to have gear that offers a good quality and just to have something that gives me the feeling that it's worth it's money...fits!:lol:
I suppose the beautiful weather and scenery has it's price eh? :lol:

I need to get down there sometime, it seems like such a rad place :kickass: (aside from the brutal prices of course!)

Hahahahahahahaa, oh man Adam, if only you knew the can of worms you've just opened - go on Ermz, tell him how much pride in your homeland you have! :lol:
How do you 1640 owners deal with only have 2 outputs? It would drive me nuts having to disconnect my monitors to reamp :/

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW, no way could I handle that - but since it's a mixer, couldn't you route some send from somewhere or something? (I know very little about mixers, those fossils :D)
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW, no way could I handle that - but since it's a mixer, couldn't you route some send from somewhere or something? (I know very little about mixers, those fossils :D)

Nope, the firewire connection only supports 2 channels of returning audio from the DAW, end of story. You can route them however you want but you only have a L/R stereo mix to play with.
No matter how good a mix you can produce with a cheap pair of monitors, it will always be easier to produce it with a pair of high-quality monitors. Spending less time second-guessing things is wasting time and obviously time is money. It's enough justification for me. Of course, most times monitors are not the only thing you need so it's not hard to see why anyone would buy cheaper monitors. I bought a pair of A7 which are normally around $1k, but I'll also be buying a sub.