Any vocalists think you can pull this off?

Hahahaha really?? Mille´s voice is the shit, so thanks a ton, bro :) I´m not sure, wich style fits in better.What do you think about the clean part? Is it too much Pop?

Yeah I put Enemy of God on straight after and was like...."Fuck its Felix!!"

The clean part is good, I like the start then you experiment a bit *which is cool* but its a touch Maria Carey vibrato etc ;) Just dig it if it more more in a somber mood. It would be ace if you held that freeeee part just like the original track because it compliments the lead part really well! :rock: Good job again sir...or should I say...Kreator vocalist!! Muahaha you secret is out :P :notworthy
Yeah I put Enemy of God on straight after and was like...."Fuck its Felix!!"

The clean part is good, I like the start then you experiment a bit *which is cool* but its a touch Maria Carey vibrato etc ;) Just dig it if it more more in a somber mood. It would be ace if you held that freeeee part just like the original track because it compliments the lead part really well! :rock: Good job again sir...or should I say...Kreator vocalist!! Muahaha you secret is out :P :notworthy

Hahahaha call me Mille, sir! Or Maria Carey :lol: Just how you want to. I will take it into account, when I make the next recording sessions.

How I said..I´m still not sure, what fits better to your song..the clean or the rough stuff :/
Rough imo, see what others think. However the clean parts do need to stay clean, like the chorus/melodic section. Verses and pre-choruses etc I think fit better rough.
Yeah sorry man, just cleaned some space in my inbox :) Yeah no worries about the new topic! Im interested in other peoples opinions too.

The only negative things I can say is that it seems your covering around 3 different vocal styles, but I kinda assume your trying to show each one you can pull off for variety. Like the "STARING back at me like phantoms" starts off slightly black metal then gets cleaner lol.

But that first pre-chorus "Just another shot..." etc sounds really good. Its got the beef but its not quite as black metal as the last one which seems pretty perfect to me. I like that balance, especially the " my veins"

Still not sure the high parts fit with this song but if you could try and keep it as consistant as that pre-chorus I think your in for a heafty shot with this track. The original singer has quite a low voice naturally so he was almost talking with a melodic edge to it haha. Just try and keep those bits at the end tidy, it sounds like your really fucking excited!! Like the "I never knowwwwwwwRAWRRRWHFRKWKWLKW!!!"

Just chill dude and all will be ok ;)

Also id probs try and stick closer to the orignal melody lines and keep the endings of the words pretty simple.

But good job dude, your finding your voice! /m\
I really think you should keep the higher notes cleaner.
Also be careful about eating the the last notes in every sentence with a growl/scream. It sounds like you're having problems with the pitch and decides to "just scream a bit" instead.

The only negative things I can say is that it seems your covering around 3 different vocal styles, but I kinda assume your trying to show each one you can pull off for variety

Haha yeah, I try some things out..don´t forget I´m a vocal newbie :) Balance is the keyword for the perfect take, I think. The best approach will be, I sing it all in one rush and try it in a more constant way.