Any vocalists think you can pull this off?

Hey man that sounds very Iced Earth esque! The only thing is I think with this track it needs more of a hard edge rather than the Warrel Dane touch, however you have a great POOWEEEERRR METTTTTTALLL voice! :notworthy:rock:

Thank you very much, dude :kickass: This was my first take. It needs a lot more emotions and roughness! Monday I start the recording sessions. I´m looking forward to :) Your riffing is exactly what I like in Metal. It´strong!
Hey thats sounds really cool Forceps!
I love the grittiness in your voice! Just work a little more on your intonation and you're there!!

Felix: I really like your voice when you go up on those higher notes, but it sounds like you're struggling a bit on the lower ones. You've also got a good voice, but I think Forceps had that little extra.
Yeah man that sounds good! You have a crackin' voice! I still think the overall feel needs a little more grittyness to it, just to fit in a bit more with the "metulllz vibe" :P
Thanx for the comments! I must be carefull not to fuck up my voice with all this grittyness, but it's sure nice to be working on something else but my own songs.
I'll try to record some of the chorus parts this weekend, got some nice ideas for them.

Edit: I really like doing this, so if anyone is interested in collaborating, just let me know :)
Sounds good Felix! I like the higher range in your voice, it sounds clear but still powerfull. Nice work dude!

Thank you very much, dude :kickass: I can give this compliment to you as well, I really like your voice! Very good technique :)

Particularly the first line Felix, the rest of that section seems a lot nicer.

Alright man, thanks a lot :) Okay dudes...

I was in a rush! I tryed to perform brutal sounding vocals..I really would like to know, what you guys and especially James think about it. I have made 3 mp3 samples, because the track is 9 minutes long. I´m just uploading it!