Andy or anyone ever record orange stuff??


Used by Protools
Dec 26, 2005
Detroit, MI
just wondering if anyone has used or recorded any orange stuff??

I went up to my local guitar store and played a orange cab and head, they got these new high gain heads and stuff and cabs are v30 packed :headbang:
Oh my god did it sound freaking good to my ears i fell in love but the head is 1800.00 and cab is like 800.00 and i got about 0.00 :mad:

i guess they got another head thats even better called the thunderverb or something like that and has a anuater or whatever its like a hot plate to drive tubes harder and keep volume levels down. Very cool stuff but just wondering everyone take on there gear since i always thought it was more rock and roll type gear.......
yea thats the head i tryed except it was the 100 version.

all i can say was WOW.....:headbang: :kickass: :headbang:

I would love to hear one of these recorded for metal...Know any clip links?????
the orange v30 cabs are proabably my second favourite cabs (after the 1960 TV greenback cabs) they're really warm and brilliant without getting anoying in the high end.
i recently recorded a band (tenement kids) with an orange head, don't remember the exact type, all i know it was a modified 100 watt amp, single channel, originally meant for clean. The mastervolume had been taken out and gain @ 9 o' clock was enough to rock my socks. probably not tight enough for most of you metalheads but i certainly digged it!
orange cabs are the best imho opinion
orange rockerverb heads are amazing too, the can get seriously filthy
I sold a Tiny Terror to the guitarist from Aghast the other day, listen out for their debut full length as it's going to be the only amp used.

In Flames might be using one on their next album, along with "5150s... Marshalls...".

"Amps that we gonna use. Which is, uh, amazing. I tried the brand before, but I never tried this. This is called a... have a great name: Tiny Terror. Apparently it's supposed to be, uh, really really good sounding. It is tiny, but, uh, hope the sound is big. Then we got a Orange combo as well. We're going to mixture a lot with... change a lot of different amps and try it out. It's gonna be... to get the perfect guitar sound. But that's not for... in the coming weeks. Now we're just, uh, playing pinball. In our underwear."
I own a rockerverb is quickly becoming my favorite. It seems to have a bit of mesa meets british vibe ..lots of gain and real dark and squishy for leads! It is probobly more hard rock than metal souding ( at least modern metal)
I've heard a lot of Orange stuff live used by like stoner/doom bands and they alway sound sweet.

Check out Zoroaster from Atlanta, they use a lot of amps/cabs and shit and even some GREEN/Matamp stuff. Good sounds.


Also, I've seen The Sword live and the singer/guitarist was using Orange, not sure which one, but it was nice.
We've played with a band from Louisville (I think ??) called Antikythera and one of their guitarists uses an Orange amp/cab setup. They play modern metal/metalcore type stuff and it kills. No idea what head he uses, though. I would assume a Rockerverb 100.
i saw DEP a few years ago in a pretty small club, and they were using orange cabs that sounded pretty boner-worthy - i'm not sure what the heads were, but they weren't orange