andy sneap hitler video? wtf? att: ANDY!!!

mick thompson

AKA: Ross Canpolat! SM!
Nov 3, 2005
Dublin, Ireland
ok..i must be honest...i was snooping around on andy sneaps server (which is all public for the world to see - its where he hosts his pics and site etc) and well i came across a video of andy sneap acting as hitler! WTF MATE?

i dont want to really post the direct link to the part of the media drive because then the whole world will come across some of the goodies i found on it and well i wouldn't do that to our andy but seriously dude..

were you fucking stoned out of your mind or what?


love from ireland!

ross :Smokin:
haha good man! i guess that answers it! oh have you seen the other one of the crashed jaguar with the registration plate "metal"!

its in bits!

ps: whats ftw?
I don't get it, what's wrong with hitler impressions? don't you have a sense of humour? ;)

yes, its established. no german (and nobody else) should worry about that.

btw. in case anybody missed this:

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hmmm. it's maybe funny if you keep it private, but mille saying "S**g h**l!" at the end of the video behaves quite thoughtless. I don't know how german press would react, if they'd find this. On the other hand they probably won't be interested at all ;)
It's interesting if you think about how picky he (Mille) usually is about the use of these symbols... remember the Taake incident?