@fearcomplex: did you also try using a real tubescreamer in front?
one of the main flaws with the kemper for metal is that the tubescreamer model just doesn't sound the same as the real thing. it's quite close, but it somehow messes with the pick attack and has less low-mid punch.
otherwise, i agree with you. when comparing ABing kemper to profiles of my VH4 or Hotrod 50 through my isocab it's definitely easy to tell which is which. especially when you AB the amp through the same interface as the kemper without going through the kemper (as in profiling mode). monitoring through the kemper adds coloration and has a slight latency, which makes it harder to make out differences while playing for yourself.
some amp profile better than others, though. the VH4 is a good example for this. the compressed and choked pick attack simply cannot be profiled correctly using the kemper. my hotrod 50 on the other hand, is dead close.
if you're extremely picky about AB comparisons, you'll find differences with the kemper. does it sound good enough, though? fuck yes
i'm sure that by hearing tracks recorded with the kemper alone, you won't be able to tell it's not an amp.