Andy Sneap talks about the Kemper Profiling Amp

I think I'm gonna buy a Kemper quite soon and sell my Triple Recti. I live in a housing where I can't crank my amp all the time and the advantage the Kemper brings in that regard just outweighs the tiny loss of sound it maybe has (btw: I already played one myself and really liked it, but couldnt compare it to the originals).
you guys are freaks, what you should realise here is the impulse was taken at the end of the session and the riff we were a/bing with was probably slightly tweaked for the song/riff so its as close as we could get it. Like someone said here, tell me where on the album we punched in with the kemper and I'll send you the kemper as a prize, bet you can't tell! I can literally record with the mic, then the profile, piece the tracks together and I can't tell where the join is, thats how close it is.
I love it, its such a time saver and problem solver and it speeds creativity up which to me is important.
PS Sonodynes are on trial, not bad...... @ Charles J, thanks for noticing, down 45lbs and training like a bitch ;)
Hello to everyone!
you guys are freaks, what you should realise here is the impulse was taken at the end of the session and the riff we were a/bing with was probably slightly tweaked for the song/riff so its as close as we could get it. Like someone said here, tell me where on the album we punched in with the kemper and I'll send you the kemper as a prize, bet you can't tell! I can literally record with the mic, then the profile, piece the tracks together and I can't tell where the join is, thats how close it is.
I love it, its such a time saver and problem solver and it speeds creativity up which to me is important.
PS Sonodynes are on trial, not bad...... @ Charles J, thanks for noticing, down 45lbs and training like a bitch ;)
Hello to everyone!

good to see you back here again, now take that cap off your bear, it's summer :)
how quick did the profiling went down for that particular testament sound? was it done in one shot or was it a bit of a hassle to get the sound as close as it is now?
Hey Andy, is there any chance you would share any of your profiles? Or at least do you have any plans to release a profile pack sometime in the future for a reasonable price?
I'm asking because for me one of the main reasons that keeps me for buying a kemper is that I don't have any amps to profile and I would be totally dependent on other people sharing their profiles....and so far the best profiles I've heard are from people that aren't willing to share.
you guys are freaks, what you should realise here is the impulse was taken at the end of the session and the riff we were a/bing with was probably slightly tweaked for the song/riff so its as close as we could get it. Like someone said here, tell me where on the album we punched in with the kemper and I'll send you the kemper as a prize, bet you can't tell! I can literally record with the mic, then the profile, piece the tracks together and I can't tell where the join is, thats how close it is.
I love it, its such a time saver and problem solver and it speeds creativity up which to me is important.
PS Sonodynes are on trial, not bad...... @ Charles J, thanks for noticing, down 45lbs and training like a bitch ;)
Hello to everyone!

Well that's it isn't it. I think many will stick to saying it's not 100%, and I think you do too to a degree, but that's really NOT important because like you said, throw it in the mix, try to ask ANYONE where it changes and not a single person will notice because it seems it IS that good, I definitely don't know where the changes are on the Testament stuff if there is any in the clips so far,.

That's the MOST important thing IMO. The difference in tone would be negligible by the time you go in to do some processing etc.

Which is what I want to know MORE THAN ANYTHING, how well does it take processing Andy? Did you find it felt business as usual when treating it for the mix?
This is why I sold mine.

Back & forth between the Kemper and a Mesa Quad preamp, 4 notes of each starting with the Kemper.
You should hear a much more solid tone from the Quad, a bigger low end and a much smoother mid range, the Quad's palm mutes aren't shrouded in mush like the Kemper.

I got similar results with a Fireball and a JVM. When strumming chords or playing single notes the Kemper would seem pretty much spot on but when digging in with palm mutes it fell apart. I could have sent mine back within 30 days for a full refund but I gave it every chance, kept it for 2 months, re-profiling numerous times and refining for hours (literally). It's a cool device and unlike many amp sims it's not going to scream "I'm a Kemper" in a mix but the real amp was always so far ahead of it that I could never envisage using it for anything but quick rough tracking and it's far too expensive a toy for just that purpose.

Certainly interesting, coming from you. There's quite a difference in your clip, there must be a reason..
Would be great to get hands on one to see how it records.

Will also be interesting to see how the recording community goes for profile sharing - or as mentioned if guys like Andy will sell profiles.
you guys are freaks, what you should realise here is the impulse was taken at the end of the session and the riff we were a/bing with was probably slightly tweaked for the song/riff so its as close as we could get it. Like someone said here, tell me where on the album we punched in with the kemper and I'll send you the kemper as a prize, bet you can't tell! I can literally record with the mic, then the profile, piece the tracks together and I can't tell where the join is, thats how close it is.
I love it, its such a time saver and problem solver and it speeds creativity up which to me is important.
PS Sonodynes are on trial, not bad...... @ Charles J, thanks for noticing, down 45lbs and training like a bitch ;)
Hello to everyone!

Woohoo he's alive!!! :)
I am definitely with Andy, Ronnie and Jocke on this one. The Kemper nails the the tone really accurately and in contrary to one opinion voiced earlier I think especially the feeling of playing the profiles is pretty much spot on to playing a real amp. It's not like a POD or Axe which feels stiff. Same mixing Kemper tracks - they just EQ like real amps. Anyway, because I have some days off in the studio and was bored I made a short clip. One of the two is my 5150 with an SD1 into a Hughes and Kettner 2x12 - the other is the Kemper Profile of it a little fine tuned after profiling. Both signals went into my Audient Desk into Pro Tools. Can you tell which is the real thing and which is the Kemper? I think if there are differences they are so minute that they are trivial....
Here you go: Test.mp3
i would like to own a kemper just so i could profile my buddies axe fx Diezel Herbert profile....JUST so i can say i am profiling a profile from a profiling amp of a profile of a Diezel :D and not be lying when i say it xD
I am definitely with Andy, Ronnie and Jocke on this one. The Kemper nails the the tone really accurately and in contrary to one opinion voiced earlier I think especially the feeling of playing the profiles is pretty much spot on to playing a real amp. It's not like a POD or Axe which feels stiff. Same mixing Kemper tracks - they just EQ like real amps. Anyway, because I have some days off in the studio and was bored I made a short clip. One of the two is my 5150 with an SD1 into a Hughes and Kettner 2x12 - the other is the Kemper Profile of it a little fine tuned after profiling. Both signals went into my Audient Desk into Pro Tools. Can you tell which is the real thing and which is the Kemper? I think if there are differences they are so minute that they are trivial....
Here you go: Test.mp3

I'd say the one that sounds a little bit more open is the real amp and the more closed one is the kemper. DOn't know if im right of course. That is the only difference i can hear with cans. But either way its about 97% there haha. Crazy real crazy!!!