Andy - TGE specific question.


Hamster Style
Jun 19, 2005
Do you recall how many takes/how long it took for Loomis to nail the part @ 5:56 part on title track of TGE?

That is an absolute BITCH to play properly! :yow:
As a part 2 to the above... how can you explain such brick wall mastery, Andy?

Andy, do you have the juice to nominate EFB for Best Track Name '06 (Redundancy Division):
Nevermore_2005_This Godless Endeavor_11_This Godless Endeavor [decoded] – Wavelab – [Nevermore_2005_This Godless Endeavor_11_This Godless Endeavor.mp3 [Decode]

"Do you recall how many takes/how long it took for Loomis to nail the part @ 5:56 part on title track of TGE?

That is an absolute BITCH to play properly!"
actually, the sweeping section is much more difficult to play than that pseudo meshuggah riff. imho.
Fragle.... Actually, the sweep passage is LESS difficult for me than the passage I was talking about. If you really try to nail that bit AT SPEED, it might prove more difficult to hit the string mutes properly as opposed to the sweep motion.. just my 2 cents.
well, imho the major/minor sweeping section after the short break is not too difficult, at least as far as the fingerings are concerned. pretty basic stuff, just way fast. what's really kicking my ass is the diminished section. 1st it's a bitch to figure it out, cause it doesn't seem to be regular diminished stuff, but also some chromatic notes thrown in there, PLUS it's harmonized a third up (or down can't remember right now) which makes it a BITCH to nail in the studio, i can assure you that. i remember jeff talking about how he almost went nuts when recording the riverdragon diminished section, because andy made him re-do it even if there was one very slight mistake, so imagine something as crazy as the TGE dimished sweeps.

i'm quite sure jeff didn't have a really hard time tracking the meshuggah section, but well, let's just wait for andy to tell us the truth ;)
Fragle - The becker sweeps are second nature for Jeff. 2 perhaps 3 passes and he's going to nail them. That rhythm part in TGE is very difficult. I'm sure that was a section that Andy made him do over and over and over... I don't really think Meshuggah at all on that part. Hopefully Andy will "chime in" with something.

River Dragon is def. one of my fave nev tunes. I saw them here at a tiny club for dead heart tour when Curran Murphy was on axe #2. He was telling me he spent a sh'load of time learning that river dragon breakdown and that he still could not pull it off proper. =)
huh? river dragon is one of the easiest nevermore songs imho. even the lead ain't too difficult. TGE on the other hand is a biatch :lol:

yep, jeff's a great sweeper, but i doubt that even jeff could nail it 100% in only 2 takes. besides, while the second part is indeed becker-ish, the first one is much more along the lines of yngwie on steroids imho :D

as for that meshuggah reference, well, i call it meshuggah section because of the odd timing. i also call the main riff to i, voyager the meshuggah riff, so go figure ;)
EtherForBreakfast said:
That rhythm part in TGE is very difficult. I'm sure that was a section that Andy made him do over and over and over... I don't really think Meshuggah at all on that part.

I think that the part you're talking about is not that hard to play at all. I also agree that it screams Meshuggah.
Not hard at all? Apparently even Jeff does not feel that way. =)

Interview Guy: "Out of all the CDs that Nevermore has put out what was the most difficult song to play live?"

Loomz: "Ha-ha. I would definitely have to say “This Godless Endeavor” because of the middle section. The middle section is incredibly hard to play and I had a hard time matching it up in the studio. We had to do four tracks of it. The others songs we play so much that it seems second nature."
EtherForBreakfast said:
Not hard at all? Apparently even Jeff does not feel that way. =)

Interview Guy: "Out of all the CDs that Nevermore has put out what was the most difficult song to play live?"

Loomz: "Ha-ha. I would definitely have to say “This Godless Endeavor” because of the middle section. The middle section is incredibly hard to play and I had a hard time matching it up in the studio. We had to do four tracks of it. The others songs we play so much that it seems second nature."

Uhhhh.....I think that he's talking about 5:03 - 5:30. o_O
I believe that jeff loomis is greatly influenced by meshuggah in many of his songs. I remember an interview around the time "Dead heart..." was to be released where he mentioned that he listened alot to meshuggah's "d.e.i." and "chaoshpere".

Ether: How come you are so sure he's talking about that riff??

That riff is one of the best in the album for me and i've tried to nail it, and after some practice i believe i did. So if i can play it, i'm sure that for jeff is just a joke.
It is futile to debate which part is more difficult to play, given the extreme differences in levels of playing ability between any given person. I merely wanted to hear from Andy if he recalled the sessions and this particular track but all I got was a "dont remember"; which is understandable.

Personally speaking, I find it *much* easier to play straight 16ths in 4/4 (5:03 part) as opposed to the 5:54 which is 3 bars of 4/4, 1 bar of 2/4, a mixture of 16ths, 8ths, and rife with dead/muted strings throughout.

I'm not trying to sound like an jerk, but I don't really understand what is so hard about the 5:54 section? It's just rhythmic, if you can feel the rhythm of problem.

The 5:03 part seems to be involving about 3 strings and straight alternate picking 16th notes like that is no walk in the park. There is probably some economy picking going on there and I imagine that was hard to double up in the studio.

But what the hell do I know....I've never tried to play the song. I'm just listening to it here at work and air guitaring it all.....