Recording, Overdubbing and Mixing


Jun 6, 2005
Steve I recall from another thread that you said that Andy Sneap asked you and Jeff to record 4 guitar tracks each for the rythmic parts when doing TGE. My question is, when you do that you use the same settings and equalization for each track or do you play with different settings and equalize differently when mixing?.
Its all personaly prefernce really. I know from speaking to Andy it was Mainly the same settings used by both. The reason you do 4 tracks is to get a WIDE stereo spectrum. Most people cant duplicate their tracks exactly. Is the little diferences that give the guitar tracks depth.

As for how they are panned, Andy tends to enjoy 2 tracks panned Hard right and Left, and 2 Tracks panned slightly in at 80% or so

The amps used were a Krank Revolution and a Mesa Dual Recto (Andy's personal Rackmount from 1994)

I havent recieved 100% clarification on wether it was 2 tracks of Recto and 2 Tracks of Krank, but from the sound of it i believe al lthe rythms were done using the recto and the Krank was used for fill ins, and leads.

Hope this helps :)
actually steve one said that he did quite a lot of the leads using a pod xt pro...IIRC, some of them were later reamped, but on other occasions the raw pod track sounded so good that they didn't bother with futher reamping.

as for the rhythms, as far as i know it was both the recto and the krank, but i'm not positive on that one.....steve? ;)
Thanks both of you, I should try that wide panning thing. I have a very basic stuff for recording, but I did that 4 track overdubbing usng the same settings everytime and the sound does gets a lot fuller.
I though that maybe using differnt amp settings or equalization in order to get a wider spectrum sound (in terms of frequencies) will help to get a even fuller and bigger sound, and I was curious if that was what Andy Sneap did in TGE.
If Steve reads this maybe he can say what they did in TGE.
Four tracks a piece is a fucking ton, though. I'm one of those annoying fuckers that either gets spot on or significantly off, so I hate doing all of that.
