Andy's pc presets for waves


Mar 13, 2004
hey andy and folks,

i really, really need andy`s presets for the waves plug ins - i guess it`s essential for me! So please help me out with some pc- versions of the presets.I've read, that you can convert from andy`s mac versions into pc - but i don`t think i can do it :confused: ? i`m damn new here, so i don`t know if my e-mail adress is shown. If not : - please help me, it would be very nice, thanks a lot.
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
What waves' presets do you mean ? C4 ? If yes, you can check them out right here on Andy's site :
If not, then I don't know =)

ok, thank you i got it. andy mentioned a c1, too, but maybe it is not in use anymore. the effect in the c4 isn`t that drastic as i would imagine. Do you guys have some more tips for making a guitar big.

here`s my recording situation:

SG, engl rack preamp, marshall rack amp, miced with a 57, amplified with the focusrite penta (just the amp and a very little compression) and an akg c3000 amplifed with the behringer mx 8000
(sorry, i know)!
i mix them together in logic nearly equal and i don`t hear any phasing. i use the renaissance eq with a bit at 3.4 K and kill the noise at 10 K or above and cut it at nearly 150 .

that's it . i tried some other plugins on it (like the sonic maximizer), but it didn't get better.

I'd like to hear your opinions about it and some tips for making it bigger!

thank you a lot!!!!!!!!!
Hi Alex,

There is not just a single plugin preset to make the guitars big.
You need to take attention to many factors. Amp, cabinet,mic choice ,mic position, preamp, eq+compression setting and even string gauge matters.

Try changing some of those factors and listen how the the sound changes. Does it sound better? - keep it. Does it sound worse? - ok, discard, next try...

Have you tried doubletracking your guitars? That's about one of the easiest ways to make them sound bigger.

If you can give us a sample of how it sounds so far it's probably easier to find out where the problem lies.

...and I almost forgot: dynamics! Try to get as much dynamic texture as possible while recording or your guitars will sound thin and far away. Maybe back up the gain a little bit...but it's hard to tell without hearing it first.
yeah the c4 setting is the only one I use, just to keep the low end/mid in check, it seems a little more natural than eqing it out. I'll usually record 4 tracks, though a few sessions (exodus is one) we sometimes go with just 2 for a tighter, more attacky kinda vibe, depends really. How's the Engl??? I'm pretty impressed with there stuff, not recorded one yet but AE wages was Engl and 5150 mix.
Andy Sneap said:
yeah the c4 setting is the only one I use, just to keep the low end/mid in check, it seems a little more natural than eqing it out. I'll usually record 4 tracks, though a few sessions (exodus is one) we sometimes go with just 2 for a tighter, more attacky kinda vibe, depends really. How's the Engl??? I'm pretty impressed with there stuff, not recorded one yet but AE wages was Engl and 5150 mix.

Hi guys,
thank you for your interest !

Ok - in fact i'm already doubling the guitar (so that i have it played four times for most parts except some verses ). In fact of the music is some more melodic new school hardcore stuff and not just heavy mosh riffs, we are changing the main riff into melodies and octave the riff by doing the overdubs.

The engl i'm using is the "modern rock" version and i hope that it is ok, sounds not bad but didn't blast me so far- in combination with the marshall el 34 100/100 it is the equipment we have to record with.The cab is the 1960 marshall (straight front).

what about the mic position?

i got the 57 straight in front of the speaker, the c3000,too.

i never tried it when the mic is far away - isn't the signal very indirect and what about phasing with these two mics?

Thank you for answering!
Andy Sneap said:
yeah the c4 setting is the only one I use, just to keep the low end/mid in check, it seems a little more natural than eqing it out. I'll usually record 4 tracks, though a few sessions (exodus is one) we sometimes go with just 2 for a tighter, more attacky kinda vibe, depends really. How's the Engl??? I'm pretty impressed with there stuff, not recorded one yet but AE wages was Engl and 5150 mix.
The C4's a very nice one imo. I quite like the limiter, forget what its name is tho. (L4??)