pc for a professional studio

I have got to stick up for 006 on this one. If i was shopping rooms to bring a band into to track, I would take the room with a mac more seriously. I would wonder what other shortcuts had been taken? Will I run into issues while working?

This might not be the case, but I don't think i'm alone here.


So what about the guys such as myself who prefer windows due my DAW of choice being PC only? So if say I had a huge studio with full analog outboard gear, Apogee or SSL converters and a 48 channel analog console I still wouldn't be professional because I am using a $2k+ self built windows machine as opposed to having a Mac?

Now I know there are noobs that would try saying shit like, "oh you need to get a mac they sound better" or, "you should get pro tools, it will sound better and that's what all the pros are using" and honestly if I ever had a studio like that I would not let bands like that in for recording.
The point I was trying to make is the only reason to "have" to have a mac is if you are a commercial studio try to lure "name" engineers to track in your facility. If you have all the outboard, the SSL, the vintage mic collection, the swimming pool in the lounge, I think you would be shooting yourself in the foot not to at least offer a Mac.

This is the only senario where I believe the mac wins.

I would never choose an engineer based on his DAW or computer choices, just on his/her past work. I don't care in the least how they get the work done, as long as it's done well.

At the end of the day, it´s a box that crunches numbers... I don´t care if someone uses a Mac or a PC, you can make a platinum album on both. Neither solution is more professional than the other. It depends on you, and how you work with it.

A good PC runs just as stable as a Mac does. A PC can crash, a mac too. I use a PC but I don´t consider myself an Apple hater (although I do make fun of the users sometimes because they get so damn religious about their apple stuff :p)

Some Mac users are like the Jehovah's Witnesses of the IT world...

Come to peace with it... it doesn´t matter.
Anyway, real geeks/programmers stick to PC
Most of the time when I see someone with a MAC, it's just a fucking noob hipster with a scarf thinking he's better with his MAC rofl.

By the same token I could say this:

PC users are just fucking nerds who never get laid and just play world of warcraft all day.

Generalizations are the dumbest thing ever. Seriously dude, nice contribution.
I'm currently a PC user mostly out of cost and honestly, when I started, availability of software - as sad as it was in those days.

If I could, I would go MAC for the stability; based entirely off of poor crazy things that happen on my NLE in the past years. Since I've purged all questionable, previewish, software and moved up to current bit builds of apps, things have been stable on the PC side. Until they truly take advantage of the RAM and cores available, a few cores and 4gb is plenty, at least with the steinberg asio stuff.
my first mac is the macbook pro 13" im typing this on. i bought it because it had firewire, is well built, and ill admit... because it's sexy.

but most improtantly, i run boot camp on it with windows 7 and it's the most stable computer ive ever used. (windows runs better than osx on this)

my 'studio' pc however, is a pc i bought prebuilt, but replaced the motherboard because it came with faulty pci ports.

it has:

i7 2600
12gb ram
gigabyte gaz68x-ud3h-b3 mobo
1tb harddrive
generic case/power supply (which i regret quite a bit haha)

if i had spare money lying around that i had no use for, id go mac for reliability reasons, otherwise im a pc guy... except laptops