MAC fanboys.They seem to forget that a MAC is still a pc anyway. It's no extraterestrial technology.
Nobody said anything like that. I said they have the best hardware and software integration, which is absolutely true.
MAC fanboys.They seem to forget that a MAC is still a pc anyway. It's no extraterestrial technology.
Call me a fanboy if you want, but I would not consider a facility "professional" if it had Windows machines.
Thats just fukkin stupid man.
I have a PC, its solid as a rock. Never any problems. I may go with mac in the future but that statement is just plain stupid.
The thing that buggs me with mac is that pay so much more for the same hardware. A mac with the same spec as an equal PC costs almost twice as much and that is fukkin lame.
Also, try finding a pc laptop with decent firewire these days, its an absolute lottery. In fact, I'd rather chance my money on £1000 worth of lottery tickets than get another PC
Thats just fukkin stupid man.
I have a PC, its solid as a rock. Never any problems. I may go with mac in the future but that statement is just plain stupid.
The thing that buggs me with mac is that pay so much more for the same hardware. A mac with the same spec as an equal PC costs almost twice as much and that is fukkin lame.
Same specs doesn't mean shit when one of the OS makes better use of them.
come on dude, that's a ridiculous statement. Doesn't Sturgis use a PC? If Steven Slate isn't running a PC now he sure used to.Call me a fanboy if you want, but I would not consider a facility "professional" if it had Windows machines.
Why do mac users always feel the need to defend their investments? If you want to blow twice the cash on the flavor of the month its your problem.
And before you butt hurt mac users start flaming ...yes I do own both a mac and a PC.
Windows consists of bloatware stacked in generations over an archaic core, mostly due to lazyness and the desire to stay safe and backward compatible at all costs, ultimately leading to a messy and largely unoptimized user experience in the modern era. OSX is made foolproof by severely limiting your ability to tweak, upgrade, repair or in general do absolutely anything with your machine that isn't directly sanctioned by king turtleneck, with a price premium to boot.
Both have their drawbacks. As long as you know how to overcome them, you can make music on either without worry. If you argue fanatically in favor of either without acknowledging the strengths and pitfalls of both, chances are you're just needing to verbalize your own assurances in order to vindicate your purchase, or your narrow minded loyalism to a company that ultimately doesn't give a quarter of a shit about you, as you do about it.
In my case, everything you've ever heard from me has been largely done on a PC, sans the freelance tracking which is usually an Apple-oriented affair. That likely won't be changing any time soon.
Call me a fanboy if you want, but I would not consider a facility "professional" if it had Windows machines.