
^Some trolls just don't get it. If NW broke up- why didn't you hire a new singer? When they hired Nettie- why didn't you break up??
Sometimes I just don't get it..
Isn't Christina from Lacuna Coil a contralto?

Oooh. :blush: I actually haven't listened to them before, I may have to start now. It's always nice to have some girls to sing with from time to time. :lol: Yeah, another issue with Anette being a Contralto is that she really lacks the power. I'm all of 5'1" (I'm very tiny for a Contralto :lol:) and even I, with no vocal training can damn near blow open a door through the middle of my range. :lol: One of the chief complaints most people have had with Anette is that her voice lacks drama and power. No Contralto lacks either of those. She's just a nice, low Mezzo, I think.
^Lacuna Coil is awesome, I love them! Wouldn't know about Nightwish or WT if it weren't for them.

(Well technically, I got into Nightwish through Stratovarius, but if I hadn't discovered Lacuna Coil, I wouldn't have known this whole femme-metal scene ever existed.)

They have a new album out right now, but as an "old-school fan" who's been into them since '98, I would say to start with their masterpiece, In a Reverie, and then branch out with either Unleashed Memories or Comalies before daring to tackle their more "mainstream rock" sound.

Yeah, I do notice that it takes a while for Anette to "find her groove" (the best way I can describe it, for not being either a musician or singer); at the Key Club show, you could barely hear her voice for the first couple of songs. :(
^ Thanks for the tip. ;) I'll buy that tomorrow after I get a new iTunes card. (my grocery store gives fuel discounts when you buy stuff there, it's like getting discounted iTunes! :blush: )

And yeah, compare Anette to Cher! That woman has some pipes! :lol: Poor Anette would be absolutely buried by her if they sang together. (which is something I'd pay to see! :lol: Gee... See Kat Williams, or see Anette sing with Cher? which would be funnier? :lol:) Stick her with another Mezzo like Simone Simons and... They'd both be drowned out by the music. :p But really, The song "Into the West" from the Lord of the rings Return of the King is sung by Annie Lennox (a confirmed Contralto), ignore the "height" of her voice, just focus on the color of her voice, compare it to Anette's. Then listen to Kamelot's (Simone sings more naturally with them than with Epica) "Poetry for the Poisoned pt. II So Long" Compare Simone Simons' (a confirmed Mezzo) color there to Anette's. Which is closer? Naturally, neither would match perfectly, different people are just, well, different. Hell, even two violins will have some discrepancy in their sounds.
I liked Lacuna Coil a few years ago, but I never found Christina's voice too impressive. I liked it and all that, I just got over it quickly, unfortunately.

@Barahime: I don't know much about music technically, but I definitely agree that Anette isn't a contralto. Being classified as one doesn't just come down to the notes one can hit, but the colour of one's voice and yeah, when I think of the few singers mentioned earlier, Anette sounds nothing like them. She's definitely closer to someone like Simone Simmons, though I much prefer Anette, but I will not start comparing the two now. :p

A little OT question, but since we're on the topic of singers, can anyone tell me what Sharon den Adel would be classified as?
A little OT question, but since we're on the topic of singers, can anyone tell me what Sharon den Adel would be classified as?

I believe Sharon is a full Soprano. But I'm less familiar with her than I am with Anette. :p
I figure she might be, but I'm just wondering. I don't venture much into other music fandoms, I am easily intimidated. :lol:

Questions: has anyone else here listened to The Heart Asks Pleasure first? What do you think of Anette's performance in it? I really love it. In fact, it makes me wish I could have a singing voice like hers. There's just something about it that's really lovely in that song, imo. I'm just curious to see what others think.

Also, studio or live version of Scaretale? Does anyone else think she sounds even more crazy-deranged-witch like in live versions as opposed to the studio recording? To me, this is a good thing lol. :D Again, just curious. ;)
^I love it; makes me wish all the more it had been released back in DPP days as it was meant to; I think it would have silenced the Anette doubters all the faster. :lol:

I only saw the very first two performances of "Scaretale" live, and I thought then she sounded much more wicked than on the studio version! Probably even more so now. Can't wait to hear it again in October!!!
I prefer the studio recording of Scaretale. It sounds far healthier sung than the live version. Of course, one can growl in a healthy way, but I don't really think Anette does, because she doesn't have voice lessons and especially the 'special' voice techniques require lessons in order to do them well and healthily. I also don't like that she does not sing the words that can be sung on tune, on tune. To me, it feels sort of lazy like 'oh, well, because I can do a few things off-tune, I might as well do everything off-tune and with crazy effects'. I actually like her simple singing voice the best, that is, when she does not have to strain in order to hit ridiculously high notes or when she does not add crazy effects and growls. Eva, The Islander and many songs from Imaginaerum show her qualities most, I think.
I don't really care to be honest. It doesn't sound horrible to me, though sometimes she does seem to sound a bit fatigued when performing Scaretale (and some other songs) live, so her vocals don't seem as uh, energetic and enthusiastic. I can look past that because I don't think it happens during every concert. As for healthy/not healthy argument...well, Anette's a big girl, she has a brain, she has the capacity to improve upon her mistakes and learn how to take care of herself including her body and voice. There's singers who've done far, far worse than her and the first one that comes to mind is Emilie Autumn. :lol:
Not dissing, just stating what I see. I love her early work, but she's getting dull to be quite honest and she really needs to find a way to sing properly and make the most of her voice. There's only so much off-key singing, oversinging and screeching I can handle. :lol:
Hehehe, besides, this is not the Emilie Autummn thread, is it?

And C: of course you can share your opinion. Sometimes the unhealthily produced sounds do sound far more pleasant than the healthily produced sounds, but that is a matter of taste. I sang Elvenpath the last time with voice lessons and my teacher preferred my voice over Tarja's ...
I liked Lacuna Coil a few years ago, but I never found Christina's voice too impressive. I liked it and all that, I just got over it quickly, unfortunately.

She has a tendency to shout when singing live. Her vocal coach needs a slap in the head. Or to be fired.

This bio says contralto but it's kinda incomplete. Doesn't mention she's married to a dude from Slipknot, for example.