Angry Music


Il Greeco
May 2, 2012
Hey, everyone. I'm actually looking for different types of music, but for now, I'll stick to this. I would like some angry music to listen to while angry. Stuff like Metallica's St. Anger (yes, I like it) where you can feel the rage in the musicians' vocals and playing. Not blind fury like death or black metal but actual pissed off-edness. In the lyrics, too, not just loud noises. I assume fast would be the general result, but if there's anything else, come at me.


Also, preferably not juvenile-sounding. I want to take it seriously.


Also, listen to Voivod - RRRÖÖÖAAARRR, I find it only really works if you're pissed off.
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Some nice ones by Burkhard and SYL was alright.

I'm being really picky here, but I want something that sounds as if I can take it seriously. 80s recording are obviously kids making noise, so that won't do. I would prefer the lyrics not be about random things, more about being miserable or something to reflect me when I'm listening to it. I also don't want just plain white noise or senseless jamming. I want it to be musically (and lyrically) serious. You can just hear the agony in the vocalist.

More examples would be Korn's III: Remember Who You Are, Metallica's ...and Justice for All, Paradise Lost's Faith Divides Us, and Katatonia's Dance of December Souls.
Pretty sure Anacrusis will work for you.

And while I'm pretty new to Crisis, I think they might qualify too (especially if you're ok with Korn)...

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Some nice ones by Burkhard and SYL was alright.

I'm being really picky here, but I want something that sounds as if I can take it seriously. 80s recording are obviously kids making noise, so that won't do. I would prefer the lyrics not be about random things, more about being miserable or something to reflect me when I'm listening to it. I also don't want just plain white noise or senseless jamming. I want it to be musically (and lyrically) serious. You can just hear the agony in the vocalist.

More examples would be Korn's III: Remember Who You Are, Metallica's ...and Justice for All, Paradise Lost's Faith Divides Us, and Katatonia's Dance of December Souls.

Well... I guess you could try Korn's earlier work? Like their self titled album and Life Is Peachy?