

Oct 13, 2002
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OMFG!!!!!!!!! Anyone else seen any of the Mirage of Blaze series? I've seen the six episodes fansubbed by Ishin and I'm fucking hooked!! Sadly, I can't find the entire series anywhere! I can only find the first domestically released DVD. I'm amazed I can't find an imported version anywhere.

If you haven't seen it, go download them from Kazaa or something. You can no longer get them from Ishin because they stop distrobution after it's licensed.

Also, anyone seen the Ninja Scroll TV series or Samurai Deeper Kyo? They're two more series I've found highly enjoyable (though not near so as Mirage of Blaze).
i've been recommended s.cry.ed by a few people in the know. i'll have to get that soon.

i've just ordered the entire series of teknoman english dub version :D that's one of my faves !

has anyone seen the lodoss tv series? i mean the 27 episode TV series, not the 13 episode OVA. i already have that.
I've heard of Lodoss but could never find it to rent or an episode anywhere for download. :(

Oh, and for those anime fans that actually buy it, where do you purchase it? I've been getting it from but they're kinda slow in getting stuff shipped and their damnable customer service never fucking responds! :yell:
Thanatopsis123 said:
I've heard of Lodoss but could never find it to rent or an episode anywhere for download. :(

Oh, and for those anime fans that actually buy it, where do you purchase it? I've been getting it from but they're kinda slow in getting stuff shipped and their damnable customer service never fucking responds! :yell:

That's the place where I order my boxsets from and it takes a week to have your shit delivered.
2 more kickass series you should go download some fansubs of:

Naruto - Great ninja fun! Looks to be for kiddies at first but wait until some of the life or death battles. Animation is great! And the comedy is actually funny (novel isn't it?).

Wolf's Rain - Same director and art studio that did Cowboy Bebop. Interesting story but the characters get on my nerves. They're wolves after all so they're a little hard to relate to. :)
I've just seen Mononoke and Spirited Away. I've heard Kiki's Delivery Service sucks and a guy at Sun Coast wouldn't stfu about Castle In The Sky which sounded pretty gay to me.

The two I've seen though were great.
Is anything more fucking annoying than a bad sub? I'd only seen fansubs of Samurai Deeper Kyo and thought it was pretty good. I just recieved the subbed boxset (which I think is from Korea, not positive) and the translation is horrible! I don't even fucking speak japanese and I can pick out places they fucked up! I didn't find it that bad at first mostly because I could forgive the episodes I'd seen fansubbed but as soon as I was watching new ones, I had no fucking idea what was happening!

Also got Scryed (which again, I'd only seen the fansub of) and the translation is much better than SDK though fucked up at parts and has lots of small errors.

Import anime may be cheaper but fuck me if the translations aren't 20X worse!

:yell: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, saw 5 eps of Wolfs Rain an it was kewl.

But my all time fav would be Berserk, no other anime beats that one. And the rest; Hellsing, Fushigi Yuugi, Slayer, Evangelion, Bastard!!, Gundam Wing, record of Lodoss War etcetcetc...I have around 150 CD's of anime, can't name all :p
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Holy shit, I just saw the final OVA's for Kenshin! I'd waited until I'd seen a good bit of the series and I watched it at just the right time. I'd seen all the episodes done by the majority of the creative staff (director and writers), that is, through the Kyoto Arc. As the director and writers went on to work on the final OVA's, the producer got impatient and had new guys come in and work on the last 30 or so episodes. I haven't seen them but I've only heard they suck. So after the Kyoto Arc, I finally watched Seisouhen (Reflections). I'd already seen the other OVA's (Trust and Betrayal) of course.

Anyway, to any fan of the Kenshin series, you have to fucking see this! I'd heard that it was sad and figured that it wouldn't effect me. Holy shit, I had to hold back from balling like a pansy.

So, if you've seen the series (there are flashbacks to it that'll have no meaning to others) and the other OVA's go pick this up!

Oh, and I didn't really "just" see this. It's actually been over 24 hours and I am still fucking sad. Nothing has done this to me since Braveheart. It was so good and so sad at the same time that I'm extremely conflicted when it comes to buying it. I dunno if I want to go through that again. :(

Can you tell I had a little attachment to the series and characters? God I'm a loser. :)
Here's a short crappy review I wrote for S.cry.ed after finally finishing it:

Video Review(4.5 of 5) There was the occasional glitch that looked like a bad tape splice between scenes and a few times where lines were pixelated but other than that, it looked top notch. The art style was not my favorite to begin with but it really grew on me. The animation is smooth and fight scenes are a joy to watch. There was an amazing lack to static shots and panned stills. Only quality production here (produced by the same people that did Cowboy Bebop).

Sound Review(4.5 of 5) The sound quality for Scryed was great. Voice acting was superb, music used effectively, and there was none of that horrible voice/every-other-sound ratio you get with so many DVD's programmed for Dolby 5.1's.

Subtitle Review(3.5 of 5) Subtitle quality varied from episode to episode but overall it was fairly good. Nothing was bad enough as to not be deciferable. Besides certain things surely being lost in translation there were typos and entire words completely misused. Grammer was nothing to get upset over. I enjoyed the diction throughout the series and it really gave it and the characters personality.

Story Review(5 of 5) The story was excellent. While the other aspects of this series were always above average, this is what really sent it over the top. This is to be expected considering the script was done by the same writers that did Trigun. Character development was handled carefully and attachments to characters are easily formed. Everyone has a different favorite character due to the strong personalities of each. Unlike many other anime series which contain episodes with side stories or side quests that don't at all add to the main plot, Scyed keeps right on course. With the exception of two recap episodes the story moves along at a gallop and stays right on course. I had a hard time forcing myself to not watch the entire twenty-six episode series in the first night I got it.

Overall Review: The most concise description I can think I can give of this series is perhaps "A Japanese styled X-men" or maybe "The Wheel of Time with an Asian flare." Those comparisons hardly do it justice, however. It IS highly original. This, though, is the best that can be done with still avoiding any spoilers. In my humble opinion, it is the best anime series out there at the moment. Definately worthy of all the accolades and more, that I've seen it recieve thus far.
The best anime is Rurouni Kenshin. The whole catalogue including the OVA and the movie just owns every other damn anime out there, the characters are so well developed, they just seem like people you know.
Then comes Ghost in the Shell and Akira. :p
Any recommendations for a beginning anime collection? Just ordered Akira and Fist of the north star, what else should I buy? (I've watched Ninja scroll so many times I won't bother getting it for myself).
S.cry.ed get it...Best anime series EVER. If you doubt me, download the first few episodes off Kazaa.

Also, the Kenshin OVA's are fucking great. Hellsing is a great series (13 episodes) and be found pretty cheap. ($125 worth of stuff here for only $20!!!)

Again, also check out Naruto and Ninja Scroll TV series, you can try out some episodes on Kazaa like usual.