Two men ran onstage and threw custard pies at conservative columnist Ann Coulter as she was giving a speech at the University of Arizona, hitting her in the shoulder, police said.
University police arrested the men but did not release their identities.
In her half-hour speech Thursday night, Coulter trashed Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry and derided liberals and Democrats while saluting conservative students who attended her speech.
Coulter writes a column for Universal Press Syndicate. Her appearance was sponsored by the UA College Republicans.
was sponsored by the UA College Republicans.
University police arrested the men but did not release their identities.
In her half-hour speech Thursday night, Coulter trashed Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry and derided liberals and Democrats while saluting conservative students who attended her speech.
Coulter writes a column for Universal Press Syndicate. Her appearance was sponsored by the UA College Republicans.
was sponsored by the UA College Republicans.