Anne Rice

Recently finished "The Witching Hour" and, although a little overly-lenghty, I found it to be an excellent read. I'm probably gonna read the second book in the series, "Lasher", next. Does anyone else here read her novels? Which are the best?

BTW, I've seen the movies for "Interview With the Vampire" and "Queen of the Damned" and thought they were pretty good - although I'm sure the books were much better.

Come on, I know I got some horror fiction readers here! ;)
I'm not much of a reader but I do love horror movies! You ever seen Dead Alive? How 'bout Bad Taste? Evil Dead movies?
...but I saw you replied. YESS! DEFINITELY check out those movies! When my friend JT saw Dead Alive he threw up on his sister!
I guess I can stay a little longer! Just to give you a quick run-down of Dead Alive,well: it takes place in New Zealand, the main character is Lionel, two of the zombies he keeps in his basement have sex and have a zombie baby, and the lawn mower scene uses more blood than I've ever seen in any movie! Well, maybe except for the elevator in The Shining. Anyway, all the chaos in this movie branched from a claymation "rat monkey", created by, as it's said in the movie, rats going and raping the little treemonkeys!:grin:
have u seen voilent shit, from german, they have a bit inthe middle the chicks are going to get killed in the merc, inteh woods and they are drving , with WASP as the soundtrack...
Well. . . since the only one I've read is The Witching Hour, I'd have to say it is my favorite! ;) But really, I couldn't put the damn thing down! I read all 1,000+ pages in about a week (and I go to school). I was captivated. Sure, it had some boring sections, but the "shock" ending made up for all that. I'm gonna start Lasher here soon, when I find some time. Rice has an excellent prose that really keeeps the reader interested; I can't wait to read more by her!
I have read some books from the "Vampire Chronicles", but in my opinion the best from this series is "Interview with a vampire", "Lestat the Vampire" I didn't like so much, but is OK and the others... make your own opinion.

But the best book from her by far is "Memnoch the devil". I love this book, one of my favorites ever. A must!