Annihilation [New 10 Minute Metal Epic]


Lag Arkane
Jun 11, 2005
The Netherlands
Finally i am out of the writers block and wrote a new "epic" song.
This time even a song without 1 blastbeat, but still heavy!

The song is called Annihilation and is at my myspace.

Maybe myspace isnt the best place to rate a mix but i will upload to my server then.

greetings and thx,

This is one of my few songs where i use Drumkit From Hell Superior ( not 2.0 ) Without any kick samples or whatever.
It's all pure Superior and eq etc, no samples at all. I will post some pics so you guys can check it out.

guitars are all podxt with my Hatesphere patch @

Bass is Reason 4 Distorstion Bass.
This is one of my few songs where i use Drumkit From Hell Superior ( not 2.0 ) Without any kick samples or whatever.
It's all pure Superior and eq etc, no samples at all. I will post some pics so you guys can check it out.

guitars are all podxt with my Hatesphere patch @

Bass is Reason 4 Distorstion Bass.

is there anyway to save the preset file or whatever for superior?
Wow! You nailed it man! Hearing it for the second time and it doesn't get boring, you kept it interesting all the way through, and the mix sounds really good (although this is myspace we're talking about)
Nice song, nice riffs, good work!

I only have one thing to add: I think the bass drum is making the guitar duck a bit, especially on some parts of the song. It almost sounds as if the guitars are untight just because of this, it makes it sound like you're hitting the string right after the bass drum. I dunno, it's kinda diffuse, I'm not even sure if it's ducking but something is weird :P Might be too hard compressed on the master with a very fast release?

But otherwise, superb job, sounds really good, I think it's the best I've heard from MySpace actually :D
Fuck yeah!!

Nice one Mendel, this song is feckin EPIC!
Could you try a mix where the kick is a bit lower in the mix? it sounds fine on the parts where the kick does 2/4, but as soon as it goes faster it seems to overtake the mix a bit as gojira hinted as well.

Nice crunch in those guitars, TIGHT riffage, im impressed once again.
And compliments on that bass, is that still the edirol bass Mendel? it has a very nice sound as well.

Hey would you mind if i had a go at some sampling and doing some synths on this song?