The 10-Minute Metal Epic [Bloodline]

There is something going on it the high end that just sounds "fizzy". And something about the snare ... needs more snap! The guitar tone is bad with the drums, but the fade in sounded very digital. Maybe cut some low end right there until the drums come in and you want to fill it out. I like how you kept the kick nice and punchy, but not too loud.

I think some of the overall harshness I'm hearing is just a bit over compression. Other than that, sounds amazing as always.
pretty nice, some of the guitars seem like the left and right parts dont fit together, and some of the timing seems off to me, i love the fills though.
I agree that some of the timing doesn't feel quite right. My biggest gripe is the bass drum, but I'm worried that if I say I think the legendary Sneap sample sounds like someone clicking their fingers at a jazz recital I'll be lynched... horses for courses I guess, it's just not my thing.

I like the song though - epic is good :D

I love the guitar sound! Could you share the patch to that, please?

Only gripe I have is with the machine gun tom-style and that some of the keys are not in time due to their swelling nature.

Otherwise great job ... hm, maybe a raise the volume of the drums a little in comparison to the guitars.
haha i had a feeling it was samples..i dont think most producers could get a sound THAT good just naturally..and yeah that would have to be quite the amazing drummer
No offense, but I think you really need to work on your timing. A lot of that, I'd have scrapped and re-played. I am a bit of a tightarse with timing... but some of that stuff I really wouldn't have let through.

That, and it's sounding very compressed overall, but I guess that's your personal preference.