Mendel, I applaud your musical vision.... really wild stuff you've got going on there.
As for the mix, it's really, really far too hyper compressed. You can really hear the pumping during the guitar riff at about 2:40.... I'm also noticing the snare gets lost in the mix here & there... again, I'm guessing too much compression.
A track like this should be treated very gently at the mastering phase.... It's 30 minutes long, there should be ebb & flow with the dynamics. If it's "all loud, all the time" it's just gonna be boring.
Suggestions: dump some of the mud frequencies out of the guitars & remaster... with little compression. You've got an epic here and it should benefit from the softer parts: it makes the louder parts that much more exciting. If I want to crank it up, that's what my volume control is for
That being said, I'm curious as to what you used for the guitar tone & drum sounds.