Annoying russians begging to get my Cubase project files


Rocket surgeon
Dec 1, 2006
I did this mixing video and since then getting tons of messages from russians wanting my project files. Has anyone had the same problem? I'm certainly not going to send full projects with 2 gb of audio to strangers. I've been trying to reason with them, trying to explain that they need ALL of my plugins to even open the project correctly.

One even said that "Throw off to me project Cubase without wave files. Simply without a folder audio. The project will weigh a little both all options of plug-ins and structure will remain. I all will download plug-ins what are necessary. From video all is." What can you learn from that?

To me it's really weird that there's people wanting to learn the craft, but not willing to use their ears.
Just say no - that's really all there is to it.

Jos jo virolaiset varastaa suomalaisia biisejä ja tekee niistä "omiaan", niin en yhtään ihmettelisi jos Venäjällä tapahtuisi sellaista enemmänkin... Niillä on kuitenkin aikalailla omavaraisemmat ympyrät musiikkibisneksessä kuin esim. meillä.