Cubase 6.05 update is out


Thread Killer
Apr 13, 2002
Norrköping, Sweden
Download Cubase 6.0.5
Download Cubase Artist 6.0.5

29063 Project: "Delete time" command now works properly if signature track is enabled.
29410 Record: Sample rates different than 44.1kHz no longer lead to multiplication of lanes due to wrong overlap resolution on project load.
29941 Record: Recording MIDI in “merge” mode no longer creates additional MIDI parts instead of merging.
29432 Comping: Copying comped audio events no longer leads to moving instead of copying the events.
29360 MIDI: Reloading a previously saved project in Cubase Artist no longer disables the input transformer of MIDI Tracks.
29424 MIDI: Dragging a part no longer leads to inaccessibility on newly created MIDI tracks.
29401 VST Expression: When playing back in cycle mode all VST Expression commands are executed entirely.
29324 MediaBay: Enabling the "Align beats to project" and "Wait for project play" options no longer leads to playback issues with loops in the MediaBay previewer.
29446 MediaBay: Naming folders with dots no longer leads to cropped names in the result view.
29431 MediaBay: Deleting multiple attributes for an item no longer affects other attributes than those selected.
29447 MediaBay: When the preference "Scan unknown file types" is active, audio files without file extensions are now properly recognized when scanning.
29124 VST Bridge: VST 2 32-bit plug-ins in Cubase in 64-bit mode under Mac OS X Lion are now displayed properly.
29463 VST-Bridge: Under OS X certain plug-ins no longer show up as bridged even though they were updated to support 64 bit.
29381 Plug-in: The range scale of the Micro Tuner MIDI plug-in now reflects +/-100 Cents accurately.
29278 Plug-in: When using HALion Sonic SE in GM mode and exporting MIDI tracks, the resulting Standard MIDI files include all program changes.
29367 Plug-in: Using REVerence as an offline process plug-in now works properly