Upgrading to Windows 7 - Is Home Premium enough for productions?

Wild Hades

Clean channels are for pussies
May 2, 2006
Hey guys!

I'm about to upgrade my Windows OS to 64 bit, but I'd like to save some bucks if possible...
The question is: is W7 Home Premium enough for audio productions? Looking at the comparison specs between different W7 version, looks like it should be enough, but before buying it I wanted to know is someone is using HP for audio productions and is experiencing problems with its limitations.
Is the "XP Mode" (which is available only for W7 Professional and Ultimate) vital? Does it have any connection with 32 bit software compatibility (mainly VST plug-ins)?

I use Cubase 6 as DAW and a bunch of plug-ins, I have an i7 950 processor and 4GB of ram.

Any opinion would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance and sorry for the stupid question :Saint:
Ditto @ fine
Only required if you want to join a domain. And the XP Mode will be of no use unless you have any programs made 10 years ago that have no updates since :P