Is it enough?


New Metal Member
Aug 26, 2010
So, I'm thinking of upgrading my computer. But I have a question about which I should get. I'm looking at the macbook pro. But, after looking at the specs, I'm wondering if it'll really be enough.

Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4ghz
4GB Memory
250GB hard drive
NVIDIA GeForce 320M graphics

Is this really enough to do anything with in Logic 9? I mean, the 4 gigs of ram is decent enough. But, the core 2 duo is dated as all hell and i5 or i7 computers are mad expensive ( From apple they are anyway)

Would it be better to skip apple and Logic 9 and find a good windows based gaming rig, then use it for recording? Or is the core 2 duo really enough to record on?

Also, Ola if you're reading this. I admire your recordings, I think you use a mac right? What are the specs on it if you don't mind. Or anyone else that records on a mac.
I have the exact Macbook (actually it's late 2008 2.4 ghz aluminium unibody model) and Logic 9 is running just fine. I use heavy plugins as SD2 and Omnisphere mainly for recordings as well as live performances, I haven't had any issues yet. But, Apple will announce new Macbooks very soon, so you should better hold on for a few more weeks.

Edit: I replaced the hard drive with Seagate Momentus XT 500gig 7200rpm hybrid hard drive last month and it's working even better now.
I have the exact Macbook (actually it's late 2008 2.4 ghz aluminium unibody model) and Logic 9 is running just fine. I use heavy plugins as SD2 and Omnisphere mainly for recordings as well as live performances, I haven't had any issues yet. But, Apple will announce new Macbooks very soon, so you should better hold on for a few more weeks.

Edit: I replaced the hard drive with Seagate Momentus XT 500gig 7200rpm hybrid hard drive last month and it's working even better now.

Well, that's good. Thanks for the heads up. I'll surely wait. Hopefully though, they won't have heating issues. I hear whenever they release anew macbook they somehow always have heat issues. Of course it's just a rumor though, haha.

Also, thanks for the reply. So, it seems the core 2 duo is still holding up against all the new software and the core i series.
Oh, yes, there IS a heating issue but it's not a problem. That's the purpose of the aluminium case. I can probably cook an egg and beacons if I flip it while working with heavy plugins or watching HD videos. :D But internal temperature doesn't go more than 60C. I suppose you are talking about 13" MBP. It has a single fan over CPU. 15" and 17" models have 2 internal cooling fans which lead to better cooling.

I tried to use a HP laptop as my gig setup before, hell it burns. It's not even possible to type because keyboard and palm rest area goes very hot. I got rid of it and bought the Mac and I'm extremely happy now.
Oh, yes, there IS a heating issue but it's not a problem. That's the purpose of the aluminium case. I can probably cook an egg and beacons if I flip it while working with heavy plugins or watching HD videos. :D But internal temperature doesn't go more than 60C. I suppose you are talking about 13" MBP. It has a single fan over CPU. 15" and 17" models have 2 internal cooling fans which lead to better cooling.

I tried to use a HP laptop as my gig setup before, hell it burns. It's not even possible to type because keyboard and palm rest area goes very hot. I got rid of it and bought the Mac and I'm extremely happy now.

Haha, yeah. If I remember my science class right. Aluminum conducts heat well. Also, I wonder if anyone has tried that before? Cooking an egg on their computer.
I have the exact same specs running Snow Leopard 32bit and Logic Express 9, its a rocket for recording and gaming, as long as you delete unneeded language packs/binaries and frequently empty the logs/caches it will be as fast as the day you bought it. If you have the money get a more up to date model with an i7 processor.