Is equipment up to par to be able to record good sounding Metal!? Please help!


Oct 10, 2008
Niles, Michigan
Hey everyone this is my FIRST THREAD EVER!!! I got turned on to this site by another member The_Shred "AKA - Jaymz". Anyways heres my gear list.

iMac (20") - 2.4 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo Processor/ 4GB RAM/ 250GB Hard Drive (Upgrading to a 1TB Hard Drive in a couple weeks)
Using Logic Pro 8
Alesis iO-26 Firewire Interface
Oktave MK-319 Mic
Audix i5 Mics x3
And soon ill be using EZDrummer for my drums so those will sound good on their own.

But I dont know everything I record just doesnt sound good to me. I kind of know the basics to Logic but I need more experince. But the guitars just dont sound full to me and I was wondering if you guys think my gear can make a good sound. Thanks guys!!!
It's more than enough. It's the technique that needs work not the gear i guess...

I've heard AMAZING (world class) recordings made here with nothig but a pod XT and EZ drummer... so hey! chin up! just practise and it'll get somewhere eventually!
Gavin is right, although I just want to add that I'm not entirely sure if the stock plug-ins in Logic are great or not. I would assume that they are perfectly usable, but someone else on here who uses Logic might be able to give you more insight on that matter. If you're in the market for some good EQ and compression though, check out Metric Halo Channelstrip. It's a great plug, and Andy is a big fan as well!
the gear you're using is wouldn't hurt to pick up an sm57 or e609 at some point to add to the i5's you're using, but the i5 is a good mic; find as many free audio plugins as you can, if you search about there a lot of websites where you can download free vst plugins, most of which are absolutely useless but there are some great ones out there as well; that will help your mixes out considerably if you learn how to use them

the key things you need tho are time, patience, and persistence...the more you work on recording the better you'll get, even if your progress is slow and it's not coming along the way you want, remember that there's no substitute for experience; i've been doing it pretty regularly for a few years now using fairly low end recording gear (57, i6, & 609 for guitars, audix d6 & adx90's, and mxl 605's for drums, toneport for bass, presonus firestudio, cheap dell pc, ezdrummer, adobe audition, a bunch of free vst plugins) and while my recording skills don't typically shock and amaze people, i'm able to consistently make recordings i'm satisfied with and they're getting better all the time
I don't think the stock plugins in Logic are bad. Totally useable. I think there's a multiband compressor in there and everything.
AWESOME!!! Thanks alot guys. Ive been reading post after post after post..... my eyes and my head hurt but oh well hahaha. But yeah thanks alot!!! Also, does anyone know any GOOD VIDEO Tutorials for logic pro or proper mic placement or whatever!?!?!? Ive been watching Waterboy and he helps ALOT but I need to find more, im more of a VISUAL learner. Thanks again!