

New Metal Member
Aug 18, 2003
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Just a new thread to let all you guys who posted negative comments about anorexia and bullemia you are the 'stupid', 'ugly' andf 'hideous' ones. how can you think that people do it just to lose weight?! it's a question of control over yourself. The fact that people have such narrow minded views just shows sufferers what people will think off them if they let themselves talk about it. It is a very lonely place to be and one that is very hard to get out of if you don't have help. Any sufferer who reads those comments will just think even worse of themselves. just telling them to eat healthily will not work. It's never that black or white. If you don't understsand it- don't post ignorant views that damage people more than you think.
There, rant over.
Lethe78 said:
If that is what they want to do, then who am I to say anything. Just as long as nobody tries to tell me that it is a disease; that is preposterous.

Yeah, i'm sure people actually say 'hey, today i think i'll eat loadsa food then make myself sick- that'll be really fun'. Nobody wants to do it. Maybe they feel they deserve it. It's not a disease, you can't catch. It is, however, a mental disorder. There is a difference but not a huge one. As long as people continue to be ignorant to things like this we'll never get anywhere. Do you think that these people can just stop? do you think that people with depression can just 'cheer up!'? Just because you cannot physically see what is wrong with the person doesn't mean their pain is any less real or important. I can't beleive that in a world this 'advanced', people can still be this judgemental just because they don't understand something.
it's obviously a serious problem and not simply a "i want to lose weight" thing, but i don't think that saying that anorexia is negative is so bad, anorexia is bad, and also if it's not easy to come out of it, it's who suffers from it that has to make a big effort, not only help from other people. i mean that i don't like much the "i'm a victim, help me" point of view, that is often used with a lot of things, not only eating disorders. there is a problem, often caused by other people of things but it's the person that makes it bigger: he/she needs help but has to do something him/herself too.
i see that it's a big problem for a person and it's surely a sad situation, but protecting people from every bad comment won't go anywhere.
Lethe78 said:
I honestly believe that if people want to quit jamming their fingers down their throats, then yes, they can "just stop".
Yep, just like all alcoholics can just quit drinking, all junkies can just stop shooting dope, all smokers can just quit smoking... Of course what you say is technically true, but if it was just that easy then nobody would have any problems, would they?

And yeah, you can say that my examples all involve substances that cause physical dependency, but they're all compulsive behaviors - I went for years without a cigarette, yet here I am at a pack a day again. Sometimes people literally can't stop themselves from acting in a self-destructive manner. I envy you if you've never had to deal with an addiction or compulsion before, or if you did and it was just a matter of telling yourself not to do it anymore. For a lot of people it's not that easy.

I'm not saying that people shouldn't be responsible for their own behavior, I'm just saying that it's not always as easy as you seem to think it is.
metalaw said:
Just a new thread to let all you guys who posted negative comments about anorexia and bullemia you are the 'stupid', 'ugly' andf 'hideous' ones. how can you think that people do it just to lose weight?! it's a question of control over yourself. The fact that people have such narrow minded views just shows sufferers what people will think off them if they let themselves talk about it. It is a very lonely place to be and one that is very hard to get out of if you don't have help. Any sufferer who reads those comments will just think even worse of themselves. just telling them to eat healthily will not work. It's never that black or white. If you don't understsand it- don't post ignorant views that damage people more than you think.
There, rant over.
The earlier thread which I think you're referring to was started by someone (you?) who said Anorexia/Bulemia was a great way to lose weight if you do it right... Anorexia/Bulemia IS a mental disorder/disease that is not good or healthy in ANY circumstance, and in many cases that the afflicted doesn't die, suffers lifelong permanent medical conditions.

So you're whole "don't post ignorant views" is actually quite ignorant itself, as the original poster had the misconception that Anorexia in moderation is a good thing. It is most certainly not.

It's something that can require medication, and it most certainly requires many hours of counseling. Also, the longer someone is afflicted with this, the more therapy they will need.

It's NOT a disease that is caused alergic reactions, carcinogens, virii or any other physical conditions that I'm aware of, it's a mental disorder stemming from self-image problems.

Maybe you should re-read that thread, filter out the stupid repsonses and read some of the serious responses really were. Nobody serious was slamming or insulting anyone with the disease, only replying that it's NOT good and if you have the problem, seek medical help.
It was not me who started the previous thread. I think it's oerfectly obvious that i disagree that it's a good way to lose weight! It doesn't matter whether or the stupid responses were just jokes, they were still vendictive and plain nasty.They were hardly giving sensible advice as you seem to think they were! Most sufferers don't die that's true, but you are assuming that it was me that wrote that and you are far from the truth. Also a quick message to Profanity- you are a fool. Are you aware that you can be over- weight and have anorexia/ bulemia. Are you also aware that men can have it too. Enjoy your blinkered view on life- it obviously serves you well.
metalaw said:
It was not me who started the previous thread. I think it's oerfectly obvious that i disagree that it's a good way to lose weight! It doesn't matter whether or the stupid responses were just jokes, they were still vendictive and plain nasty.They were hardly giving sensible advice as you seem to think they were! Most sufferers don't die that's true, but you are assuming that it was me that wrote that and you are far from the truth. Also a quick message to Profanity- you are a fool. Are you aware that you can be over- weight and have anorexia/ bulemia. Are you also aware that men can have it too. Enjoy your blinkered view on life- it obviously serves you well.

you are worse than a fool if you think it is smart or good of you to be defending and supporting people who dont have their mental disorders treated.
Is that post referin to me? Of course people should have help and they should make an effort to improve their live themselves too. What i am tryin to say is that stupid coments do not help. So get your facts right.
I didn't see this thread in question, but unless some flaming was directed towards someone who confessed that they were bulemic or something similar, then why should anyone sugarcoat their opinions regarding it? Call a spade a spade....
Metal Maiden said:
And your intelligent coments have been helpfull?

If you want to enlighten people about the problem, don't attack them or insult them.

I'm not tryin to enlighten anyone (that would obviously be futile). All i'm saying is that maybe people should be a little less judgemental. Who exactly have i attacked apart from the people who attacked sufferers in the first place? Seems like you are tryin to be a bit offensive yourself! Maybe if somebody close to you was badly affected you would be a little angry with what that thread said too?! People should be able to give their opinions, but why make them deliberately hurtful?
I happened upon this thread because I'm very bored and wanted to check out other boards. No one can know what it's like to suffer from this disorder until he/she has experienced it. I didn't realize it until I had "recovered" :rolleyes: but I had anorexia from June/July of last year until January. I didn't realize it because I was in major denial. It's not fun when you have to lie to your friends and family and tell them that you're trying to gain weight back when you're really trying to lose more. Everyone was scared to death that I'd just collapse and break myself.

I had NO energy, ever, yet I forced myself to work out 2 hours a day, I was always freezing, had dry skin/hair, no color in my face, amenorrhea, it hurt to sit down or lean on things with no "padding," and people were afraid to touch me.

Now, however, I'm back at a healthy weight (and fatter than I'd like to be :rolleyes: ), because I promised I'd gain 5 lbs. for my mom. Yeah, I gained 5 pounds alright, plus who knows how many more (doctor won't let me see my weight)....My disorder triggered my depression, and now I'm on medication, run the risk of having low bone density and developing osteoporisis, and will never truly be "recovered" until I seek help from an eating disorder specialist. And who knows when I'll do that.

Just giving you the truth from someone with first-hand experience. Don't make judgments.