
Beth said:
:lol: umm...most fries are fried in lard :ill:

And even if it is all vegetable oil, I don't eat that junk anyway, ewww :p

Most fries are fried in vegatable oil these days, as the healthier alternative. I miss lard fried fries :cry:

Anyways, I'm sorry to hear that you're still dealing with the effects, and I didn't know that you had been aflicted, but I wish you the best. :)
Anorexics are babies, they can't face growing up and being the weight of a grown adult.

They make me sick.

Anorexics are just paedophiles, they want to be the weight of babies so they can molest them easier.
Profånity said:
Anorexics are babies, they can't face growing up and being the weight of a grown adult.

They make me sick.

Anorexics are just paedophiles, they want to be the weight of babies so they can molest them easier.

You, sir, are heartless and wrong.
I've never been anorexic myself, though I've been called it a few times, which I think is really unfair. I just have a very small appetite for someone my age. And I'm very picky with my food sometimes. I go through little bouts on surviving on a chocolate bar a day, then a month or so later I can't stop eating. When that does happen, I do put on weight and scare myself into thinking im getting fat which is totally stupid, but I can't help it. :erk: But I'm alright. I just have a hate-hate relationship with myself.

Eep, I've rambled..
Lethe78 said:
I honestly believe that if people want to quit jamming their fingers down their throats, then yes, they can "just stop".

After a while, they don't keep jamming their fingers down their throats, it comes as a conditioned reflex to having food in the stomach. That's part of what makes it so hard to recover from, even after arealizing that they have a problem, which most anorexics don't, even after being told repeatedly that they do. It's both a psychological and physical illness.

And I don't support or endorse flaming, but Profanity, you just need to shut the fuck up.