Anoter "Whining about Damnation" thread...

Protected Witness

Magickal Theatre 33
Sep 27, 2002

I just wanna hear one song! It's driving me crazy...I know I'm going to love this cd and it's coming out soon, and jesus, we just got Deliverance in November...

But dammit, I feel like my head's gonna explode! You should see me checking all the p2p's looking for the leakage everyday...I feel like a crackhead!

It probably wouldn't be so bad if I had gone to that show in Chicago...

I will content myself with the Opeth back catalogue until it comes out. I don't want to speed up time just to get to the Damnation release... too many good things might happen between now and then. When it comes, it will come, and I will buy it, and I will love it... and all will be right with the world.
yeah i absolutely can't wait.
for different reasons.
1. New album from my favorite band.
2.Known about the album for a long time now.
3.I'm not sure exactly what to expect as far as how it will sound.

But don't worry too much about it man. Just buy or listen to some other really great music to keep you occupied.