another 2003 thread: the sleeper hits

is it just me or have your lists been taken over by albums you just now heard or stuff that is just now "hitting" you? even since i've been focusing on the best of list for the year, i find that my top 20 barely even includes the stuff i had topping the list a month ago! what gives? is it that the "big name" bands (whose albums are bought around the day of release) are simply releasing mediocore albums while the "sleeper" bands are releasing the best material? methinks so. the final lists shall be interesting as hell... don't be surprised wit some of the stuff you may see on mine! ;)
My biggest surprises this year are Antimatter and Negura Bunget, two groups I had never heard of until maybe 6 months ago. Upon the first few listens each just seemed okay, but nothing special. Now that I've absorbed both I can safely say they are stunning.
This thread is funny - I was just telling NAD about Elenium in a PM. I even called it a "sleeper hit", heh.

Are you guys including EP's in your list contenders? Ulver's Quick Fix, and Vader's Blood are both excellent EP's, but I don't think I could include them in the list... :(
I'm not including EPs. Too bad too, since Ulver won't be making the top 10 this year since Svidd Neger is a disappointment and A Quick Fix EP is not. :mad:
No way, Lyckantropen kicks Svidd Neger all over the god damn place. Svidd Neger is probably my 3rd to least favorite Ulver, which still means it's damn good. ;)

I was disappointed that themes and mood established with A Quick Fix were not expanded for Svidd. That's probably not entirely fair, since Svidd is technically a soundtrack. The true test will be Utopian Enterprises, or whatever the hell they changed the name to now. :)
I haven't heard enough albums from 2003 to even make a Top 10...the ones I actually like only make a Top 5 :erk:
I tried to really like post-Nattens Madrigal material from Ulver. But I can't because I don't like boring shit music.

As far as sleeper hits of 2003:

Burst - Prey on Life
SHai Hulud - THat Within Blood Ill-Tempered
Eyes of Fire - Disintegrate (only a 3-song MCD, but real good 3 songs, from ex-Mindrot members. Full length coming in early 2004)
Geasa - Fate's Lost Son (the sleeper hit of the year. No one even knows about this CD. First 5 songs are brand new and the final 6 songs are a re-mastered version of their classic demo)
Papa Josh said:
I believe I sent NAD a Burst cd from relapse, should see a review soon.
No, I have it actually. You sent it to me with Farmakon which I assume was revenge for sending you Atrox, you b'stard. :tickled: ;)

I'll do the Burst review since NAD has a gazillion promo backlog in dire need of an enema.
Black Winter Day said:
if there are any promos that need to be reviewed, send them here, i'm on a ROLL!
Well, that's why I send you guys e-mails asking who wants what! Nobody even responded to the last mail except NAD. :Smug:

I'm just gonna start dishing these babies out. Thou ask, or thou neigh ask, and thou shalt receive either way. :tickled:
Papa Josh said:
BTW, NAD, I forgot to send Burnt By The Sun. Did you still want to review that, or should I?
BWD if you're itchin' for promos, take this one, as I truly am buried!!! If not, I'd be glad to do a review of this, and I have a copy of it already.