another 2003 thread: the sleeper hits

As you can imagine, the album as a whole is much better than a one of track, and it's also one of those albums that grow on you.

For that reason, I'm having Heather send it off to you on priority mail - just to give you some more time to digest it.

I hope you do end up liking it, but you never know! :erk: :)
Judging from that one track I think I will. I was listening to that Six Feet Under promo last night while surfin' the 'net (shyuh) and at one point thought I finall found a good song... then I realized it was that Elenium mp3 playing. :lol:
NAD said:
I was disappointed that themes and mood established with A Quick Fix were not expanded for Svidd. That's probably not entirely fair, since Svidd is technically a soundtrack. The true test will be Utopian Enterprises, or whatever the hell they changed the name to now. :)
Wasn't Svidd actually recorded before A Quick Fix? I'm pretty sure it was at least written beforehand, which makes the lack of expansion expected.. That said I like both Svidd and Lykantropen pretty much equally at the moment, and prefer them to A Quick Fix...

No idea why ;)
Hmm, that would make more sense. Maybe if I heard Svidd Neger first... Either way, I do enjoy the album, but it just seemed a slight letdown following quickly after the marvelous Quick Fix. :)
Demonspell said:
Jay: Thanks for the recommendation...downloading now...
Let me know what you think Demonspell. Elenium have been quite a discovery, and at times they remind me of Into Eternity.

@NAD - your promo (along with everyone else's) went out today.
well, 2003_list? but there're still a few albums I've to listen to before writing down a definitive advice indeed .... though I said Zyklon, Azrael, IQ, Darkthrone, Satanic Warmaster, Von reed. (...) are good albums so far ... -