RC (un)official share your art thread

Thanks guys!

Half Life was definately an inspiration on a couple of those. And the impending apocalypse.

Also, I'd be happy to do commissions for next to nothing. Need to make a portfolio pretty soon. Just sayin'.
Hey Dorian! Been drifting mostly, just moved house about 3 times, working on getting rid of all my belongings to I can catch a plane south and go live in Melbourne for a while. Still lurk here occasionally though. How's mini-Dorian doing?
Hey Dorian! Been drifting mostly, just moved house about 3 times, working on getting rid of all my belongings to I can catch a plane south and go live in Melbourne for a while. Still lurk here occasionally though. How's mini-Dorian doing?

What's in Melbourne?
I have two minis now.
Post some more art.
some fairly recent things





working on a couple bigger ones...
Hey Cthulu, you a fan of French?
Wicked linework by the way!

Also got a couple of bigger, proper pieces on the way, might post something in the next few days.
Yeah French is the man.
This stuff is nuts though, definately adding On the Road of Knives to my reader!

Dorian... I am not sure what's in Melbourne yet, never been near the place, but I hear it's cold and there's good music, so fuckit, I am off.
Also, my girlfriend beat me to it, she's already there, looking for a place for us to live, haha.
Belated congrats on the second mini-Dorian! Details?
inspired by dead man to do a little portraiture...getting an accurate likeness of a familiar face is something i find very difficult...


It's obvious it's Johnny Depp though, so good job. The perspective on the gun is a little off. I always had trouble with perspective with guns pointed at the viewer....so I just stopped drawing them. :lol: