The Official RC DIMMU BORGIR Thread

Dork Trendquillity. Also, if you're going to sell out (flamebait warning,) is it really wise to name the album "Clayman?" "Gayman" is almost too easy.
bloodfiredeath said:
I guess it is just too smart over here for such... :)

What??? This must be you -> :loco: We frown upon snobbery and elitism here. :p

Isn't there a twist for "Cradle of Filth" yet? There's got to be something for "Manowar" surely....
first, fuck manowar. second, hails dimmu! DCA fucking r00ls sch00l!! top 5 without a doubt. i didnt think they would be able to improve on PEM but they did it. better orchestral parts, better riffing and just better songs. there isnt ONE weak song on the album. they all rule, and thats something to be proud of with an album thats an hour and 4 mintues. all killer no filler. GO BUY NOW!
Papa Josh said:
I know that I, personally, do not enjoy sitting down to listen to Transylvanian Hunger, so I am not going to be a poser and say that I do. That being said, I have every other Darkthrone release, aside from Goatlord and enjoy them all.

No, you shouldn't pretend to like it, you should simply start to. And that's my highly subjective opinion.
phyre said:
He's trolling.

neal said:
DCA fucking r00ls sch00l!! top 5 without a doubt. i didnt think they would be able to improve on PEM but they did it. better orchestral parts, better riffing and just better songs. there isnt ONE weak song on the album. they all rule, and thats something to be proud of with an album thats an hour and 4 mintues. all killer no filler. GO BUY NOW!

message board dictionary said:
troll: noun; a board member who posts insulting messages with the sole intent of provoking anger from other members; a troll does not necessarily express an opinion, other than inciting rage; a troll will use any means necessary to achieve his goal

you must be talking about someone else